This is not important for devcoin value... all that is important is for devcoin to find it's market, of course I think this could be sped along with say doing away with an antiquated block chain bloat system (which is one unfortunate carry over from bitcoin) in favor of a new system that is more resource friendly and more scalable.... if devcoin were to have that implemented in a way that preserved it's merge mine capabilities it would probably be the best *coin system for say microtransactions at it's 1000 to 1 generation ratio.
The price of devcoin has been trending positively because there has been some recent healthy growth in the economy of devcoin, it's certainly a *coin that speculators should keep an eye on but failing an utter collapse of bitcoin I would never expect 1 to 1 price ratios, the more hopeful ratio we will get back to is 1000 to 1 so there is a lot of room to speculate on