It's in the Digibyte folder in Application Support.
Technically the path is something like this: Macintosh HD/Users/(whatever your user login is)/Library/Application Support/DigiByte/wallet.dat
There's one trick here. The "Library" folder is hidden by default in the "User" directory. Therefore, in order to see it, you'll have to show hidden files.
It's easy to show hidden files if you don't know how. Open the "terminal" application. (Go to "Applications" ... then scroll down to the "utilities" subfolder ... "Terminal" is in there).
If you've never used Terminal before, basically it's a command line interface for mac. Once you have the terminal window open you'll see something that looks like this
[computer:~] user%
That'ts the standard interface prompt where you'll type the command.
Type the following: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles Yes
Hit return and it will take a second or 2 to make the change. Before you can see the hidden files in a typical finder window, you have to relaunch Finder. (just in case ... relaunch finder from the "force quit" menu available in the apple menu (top left) or by pressing "command-option-escape"
Once you relaunch finder, you'll be able to open a normal finder window and see the hidden "Library" folder with the Application support files for DigiByte.
By the way, to turn off the "Show All Files" and return everything to the way it was ...
Use terminal with the following command: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles No
And - again - relaunch finder.
Hope this all helps.
Got it THANK YOU!!