Tried to mine qubit with r9-270x, but I only got 3MH/s with it (SGminer5).
Im mining DGB on r9-270x with Skein algo - 150MH/s with CGminer3.7.3. I get 2xmore DGBs/day with skein algo.(of course with more electricity costs)
I have also one gtx750ti - 4MH/s qubit - 885 DGB -last 24h
r9-270x - 150MH/s skein - 1472 DGB -last 24h
Thanks! Do you have the settings you used and/or remember the clocks the 270X was set to, by chance?
qubit SGminer5
sgminer.exe --algorithm qubitcoin -o stratum+tcp:// -u majoh.r9-270x -p r --difficulty-multiplier 1 --gpu-platform 0 -d 0 --rawintensity 140800 -g 4 -w 64 --gpu-engine 1120 --gpu-memclock 1450 --gpu-powertune 20
skein CGminer3.7.3
cgminer --skein -s 1 -Q 0 -E 20 --no-submit-stale -o stratum+tcp:// -u majoh.r9-270x -p r --gpu-platform 0 -d 0 -w 256 -I 13 -g 1 --thread-concurrency 21568 --gpu-engine 1120 --gpu-memclock 1450 --lookup-gap 2
Can you also post your gtx750ti settings. Thanks. I posted these settings on the Digital Currency Forum.
Anyone else? The more the merrier!
Qubit gtx750ti 4MH/s
ccminer.exe -t 1 -d gtx750ti -a qubit -s 1 --diff 256 -o stratum+tcp:// -u Username.workername -p r
And as Wolf0 said. Thread-concurrency and lookup-gap are ignored for qubit and skein. Just tried skein without thread-concurrency and lookup-gap, speed is the same 150MH/s. So you can delete it from setting.