- After the change of the web hosting the e-Mail was changed to [email protected], if you sent any e-Mail to the previous addresses please send it again here.
What about releasing a miner that has no artificial hashrate-limit? Could be javascript even. This will make everyone equal again.
We planned to make a standalone miner.
If your read all the 23 pages of the topic and see all our efforts to make something that could fit all the people and to not exclude noone from getting our coin you can figure it out what we mean with "fair play". But we'll continue to work on this way even if it can appear utopia .
You are going to come up against a lot of resistance from people who are expecting to see you roll out a finished product straight from the launch.
What you are attempting has never been done before from my perspective, but the project, the team, and the potential of this endeavor are all new and unique.
There are going to be growing pains along the way, but the payoff is going to be huge for early adopters and backers of this project.
Keep up the good work.
We really appreciate your support and comprehension, thanks.
You should receive them in the next block.
Can i reserve vietnamese translation?
Please use the mail address: [email protected]. The old ones as we said in one reply was disabled due to change of the webhost.