Block Eruptor USB or Blades are a better deal than this.
Lets do some math.
Block Eruptor USB: 2BTC minimum
Blades : 50BTC
Lancelot, lets say 300$ on average. Gox say 127$, so 2,38BTC. The group price at the moment is 269, so 2,1BTC
Block Eruptor USB: 300MH/s --> 150mh/s per BTC
Blades: 10gh/s --> 200mh/s per BTC
Lancelot --> 169mh/s.
Blades are a better deal, Block eruptors probably not. And I doubt we are counting electricity in an ASICs vs. FPGA fight now, are we?
Oh, and in group manufacturing? 399/2,1 --> 191mh/s per BTC. Clear winner Lancelot.
Check your math, Lancelots are $350, not immediately available (like everything these days).
Eruptors run at 336Mh/s from what I heard. I don't have one, so I cannot comment. I've had Icarus boards from
ngzhang, they were 380 Mh/s, rock solid, run them for a year without any problems.
Problem with FPGAs these days are that they are bulky and consume lots of power.
Sort of like video cards last year. Nothing wrong with running FPGAs, just saying that the price/power/rates of blades/eruptors are better. Avalons are the best deal, but most of us can only dream of owning one.
You run/buy whatever you can.