I read about this thread in Discord group. It is a nice idea and looking forward to vote for the nominees as soon as it's up!
Do you mean you will create 20 threads, one for each award and then use preferential-voting method to short list the candidates? 20 threads in my opinion will be too much mess. One thread is fine for voting. You can provide options for all 20 awards in single template inside code tags so the height of the replies will be limited to 20 lines even though the actual length of reply is more than 20 lines.
Thanks for the support.
Not necessarily 20 topics, I have not yet come to a consensus with some of the respected forum participants which nominations will be included. Perhaps, there will be much less of them, given that in addition to the winner, the results for II and III places will be announced.
When talking about closed topics, I meant that the names of the finalists will be placed on the first page
(post 1, 2, 3, etc.). Users will be able to vote by specifying the merits under the post number with the name of the finalist in each category
(or several).
Single-thread voting can only take place if the template for nominating candidates is simultaneously considered a vote.
(But then there will be a lot of finalists when counting the votes, which does not reflect the real support of the leading favorites). That is, we will have a kind of double tour