Neue Nachrichten zum Common Airdrop:
Common Drops are coming: here’s how the rewards break down
Quelle: der seine AZERO mindestens 6 Monate im Staking hat, erhält den Common Intro Drop. Danach folgen weitere:
Common Staking Drops are rewards that will be distributed to AZERO stakers and ecosystem participants during the four (4) rounds of this campaign. These Drops will then be redeemable for CMN Tokens. The exact amount of Drops you’ll receive will be based on your Effective Stake.
Und weiter:
During Common AMM’s Mainnet launch, the Intro Drop will be distributed. You’re eligible if you’ve already been staking AZERO for 6 months or more prior to the day of the release. Your reward is calculated based on your “Effective Stake.”
Here are two examples that will give you an idea of how the Intro Drop–and other Drops based on effective stake–work. For simplicity, we’re assuming that the staking rewards are not compounded.
Case A: a user stakes the same amount of AZERO for 6 months before the Intro Drop snapshot.
Stake: 10,000 AZERO
Period staked: 6 months (full 182 days)
Effective stake: 10,000 AZERO
Intro Drop: 20,000 Common Staking Drops
Case B: a user stakes 10,000 AZERO initially, but unstakes 3,000 AZERO after 100 days.
Stake and Period staked: 10,000 AZERO for 100 days; then 7,000 AZERO for 82 days
Effective Stake breakdown:
Full Period Average Daily Stake: ~8,648 AZERO
Stake at Snapshot: 7,000 AZERO
Effective Stake: 7,000 AZERO
Intro Drop: 14,000 Common Staking Drops
Zeitplan der Rewards:
Seasons 1 to 4 and the entire Common Staking Drops rewards schedule
There are different reward rates according to your amount of staked AZERO–and they break down as follows:
Intro Drop: Coinciding with Mainnet launch; offers 2 Common Staking Drops per 1 AZERO.
Round 1: Starts at Mainnet launch; 6 weeks; 1 Drop per AZERO.
Round 2: Follows Round 1; 6 weeks; 1 Drop per AZERO.
Round 3: Follows Round 2; 6 weeks; 1 Drop per AZERO.
Round 4: Follows Round 1; 18 weeks; 3 Drops per AZERO.
Alles weitere findet ihr im Artikel, der oben verlinkt ist.