just a few comments on this.
1º many people , specially investors, whales, traders and more are in for PROFIT. They are not moving their money. Someone is doing it for them on most cases. They will even KILL the guy that invested in crypto if he loses money. So sells are done very quickly
2º the other day a friend of mine that works for a investors company told me that , according to his numbers, a huge a amount of sells are being made by automatic stop loses. He has seen quite a few technical analysis of cryptocoins, and has told me to stay away because this downtrend is huge and has not stopped.
3º crypto can die. and as price goes down, the more is visible that that can happen. It's simple to give an argument: you guys, with all your coins, can have what? 3 million dollar all of you? a small investor can have 100 times that. Your opinion counts for nothing. you are a small stone in the road of crypto.
4º you can hold if you want, it will make no difference. Big investors have almost all coins and they are selling like mads, because today, Blockchain technology is still to be proved, with a future a huge taxes, with enabled control over investors (destroying anonymity) and very volatile future and value. The worst sceneario is here and the reaction is VERY CLEAR.
5º If you analyse current technical analysis, you can see that bears have already won. They have also the goverments and banks against crypto. The most powerful enemy of crypto can actually do whatever they want to crash it to hell. Taxes, regulations, bans, everything.
6º ETH is at the moment the worst performer coin of all. goes up less than the most important ones, and goes down more than the others. The reason why is because as we approach 100 million coins supply , Casper is near. All ETH investors will be left with a coin non tradeable and that it can not be mined (the final for a huge amount of miners) that is valued only for the smart contracts signed which are, BTW , very small with almost no profit. ETH is dying faster than any important coin. Vitalik has said repetedly that he doesn't want more than 100 million coins on that blockchain. So ETH is just about 4 months time from PoS. That's like saying that if ETH does not go back to where it was in 4 months, you will get no profit. i laugh hard when ignorants talk about ETH being a long investment. They are just morons.
7º finally, the G-20. As it approaches, the market goes down at even higher speeds. Very bad news are going to come this next week. AFAIK, investors have been told to solve positions in crypto because huge loses will come. Some people lie to you saying this is due to uncertainty. That's bullshit. They ran away because they have the certainty that that will happen and that cryptoworld will collapse.
Now , lets be clear here. there is not a single reason, except blind faith, to tell the other people to hold or that this is a temporary crash. All technical analysis, apart from other bad news say that there is not a single argument to say this is gonna be green. Nothing. risking your money and probably other's money just for faith in a technology is not the smartest thing to do.
wise words i like what i see ,)