As usual, you make all kinds of presumptions and conjecture.
The girl in the picture could be anybody. In addition, if she is the mother, she doesn't look unhappy at all. If her family is around to take care of her, what would be wrong?
Kansas and Massachusetts allow 12-year-olds to get married with consent of parents. You might not like it, but it is legal and lawful, if done under the right circumstances.
How retarded are you trying to prove yourself to be?
So you're from one of those states where perverts live? You think ripping a 14 year old child's vagina open with child birth is ok? Wow, I had no idea you were "that" way. Gross.
So, this is you, disrespecting the wishes of your fellow Americans, and breaking into their lives and the ways that they do things.
Watch out for propaganda machines like QuestionAuthority. He's trying to make the world bow to his will, and then slandering them when they don't.
You just admitted what he said...
Let's see, now. I checked through all my words, and I didn't find anywhere that I admitted to anything he said. So, thank you, Tyrantt, for helping to show that you are just as much of an illogical troll as he is. It is so much easier for me when you prove your "troll-ness" yourself, than when I have to show it.
Well you didn't deny it in any way, you did not admitt it directly but you did not deny it either.
So you just go out and assume something. Well, you are that way I guess. Obvious, isn't it. You don't believe God exists. Yet you don't have anything to stand up against the proof and evidence that He does. Game time all over the place for you.
There is no proof or evidence and you know it. Sorry, you've been taken to the cleaners.
Accept it and move on.
Well, that shows how ignorant you REALLY are. If the stuff I have posted here
isn't proof and evidence, you should be able to rebut it very easily. But you can't even do the little thing of rebutting what you think is non-proof and non-evidence.
We are starting to get it. It is taking us a long time. We couldn't imagine anyone having such a low IQ as yours apparently is. Your IQ and knowledge is so low that you can't even rebut stuff that you think isn't proof and evidence. So how are you EVER going to rebut it when you finally start to understand that it IS proof and evidence?
A story of symbolic meaning you never will understand..
Giving your posts as an evidence still amazes me. Btw regarding reply to my post, I'm assuming you're agreeing with it because you didn't deny it, and I stated a few times that I deny the existance of god.
Hates socialism welfare..So why believe in JESUS if you hate those words?..
IT MAKES NO SENSE..Why did Jesus fill a net full of fish?..
You believe in Jesus but you don't?..
Your politicians hate socialism..BUT on the same hand will ask for donations ..
They get free money to talk..NOT LIFTING THINGS UP..Just talk..
While robbing your taxes..
EARTHALON IS OUR GOD ..It created us..It is alive..
And we are sucking it's blood..It wants to be free from the pain..
Oil keeps the earth from rubbing to hard..Like an oiled chain..No oil on chain it grinds together harder..
Wind fire water..It's not god we are living on a living massive organism and we are killing it faster..
And it will defend it's self by water fire and wind..
NO ZAP AND WE ARE HERE..It takes time for things to happen..
Earthalon give us a brain to help it so it can help us ..
And on last note..Never mix stella larger with weed ..sick and room spinning not good ..
I not had a drink for at least 5 years..Now i think it be 10 years before i have another ..
Also Tyrantt i thought i was replying to BADECKER ..Must of went GOZZY with the drink and clicked on the wrong person ..So sorry my friend..