For you even if god add some javascripts to his code on the sky, you will not believe in him, cause its who u are just a non believer.
well if he was to show himself to us, 100% would be believers but since it is said that he wouldnt show his face ever, that's a perfect way to secure yourself from arguments like this. It's all an ilusion and a scam.
LOL! You talk from such an ignorant standpoint. What in the world do you think you would see if God showed Himself to you? We are talking about the Being who set the energies of the universe in place. If you saw God, His divine radiance would kill you faster than if one of our biggest hydrogen bombs went off right in your hand.
God wants you to live so that you have time to see Him in a way that will allow you to live. I mean, imagine that Hubble picked Him up way off in the distance, like 10 billion light years away, so that His radiance didn't kill you. What would you say if you saw Him through Hubble? You'd say something like, "Strange anomaly way out there," right?
So, God has shown you that He exists through things that exist right in front of you, in ways that you can use your mind to understand that He exists:
And there are many, many more proofs and evidences if you will accept what you are seeing.
But since you have set yourself up against the God of Heaven, it's going to take God Himself coming at the time of the judgment, and showing Himself to you while holding you alive to see Him. Too bad for you that when that happens, you will not have time to BE ON HIS SIDE so that you can live in the wonderful new universe He is making for all those who are faithful too Him.