Apologize before
On this forum I just saw somebody whose asked with some kind question like that ?
With all of my respect about your question this is really confusing me because you do knew about who was the gambler?
Then you asked do you shame to be ?
Come on let me answer your question
Became as the gambler teach us about you want play then you'll gonna have your own funds
You wanna win well place a bet
You do fear to loss well don't play
As a gambler teach us that we are a human
Real men never ask about who they let the other decide cause we just try to joy our life !
Thank you
It would be best if you use a different translator so we can understand your point much better.
Do you feel shameful for being a gambler? is the title and part of the question. if you have
read the OP's question you would have understood the question nuch better.
as I can understand your reply to OP, it seems that you are simply saying that no person
can say anything about you being a gambler and that you are just enjoying your life?
but if you read the OP's question you would have a different answer, and understand the question a lot
Go guys!
In many cultures and countries is gambling consider as a bad thing which only the poorest and silliest ones do. Many gamblers try to hide that they gamble from their friends and families and feel really shameful for that. Do you consider gambling as a bad thing? Do you feel shameful or proud for being a gambler? If it is shame what you feel what do you about it? How do you hide you're a gambler and who do you hide it from?
Let others know!