Can you guess what the proof might look like? Before we get to the proof for the virus, let's get to the evidence of how the so-called proof was put together.
The Virus That Isn't There, Genetic Sequencing, and the Magic TrickRecently, I’ve written a series of articles revealing that the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is unproven.
I’ve quoted key CDC and study documents that confess “the virus is unavailable.” Which is like an ice company saying they have no access to water. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
I’ve published quotes from Dr. Tom Cowan’s major article [6] exposing how CDC journal authors “assemble” the idea of a virus from cobbled sequences they ASSUME are parts of SARS-CoV-2. (Below, I reprint my article on Dr. Cowan’s shocking findings.)
Now, I want to make overall comments on the con, the game, the hustle.
The public, and most medical professionals, are awed by the whole concept of genetic sequencing. They accept the process as a holy of holies. If researchers in their lab claim they’ve “sequenced the virus,” the virus must exist. How else could its genetic structure have been discovered?
Of course, the virus doesn’t have to exist at all. We are talking about an illusion. Stage magic.
And if we could force him to explain his trick, the magician would say:
“Notice, I begin with a fragment of RNA I assume is part of a larger new virus. My assumption isn’t proven. I simply make the claim.”
“Then I lay out the genetic structure of that little piece of RNA, and I discover I need a great more genetic information to fill out the sequence of the whole virus.”
“That’s not really a discovery. I already knew I’d need much more. The question is: where am I going to get that added information?”
“The answer is: from data bases. These bases contain miles of sequences that have already been established—rightly or wrongly. Sequences of other viruses.”
“Which sequences do I choose? I make guesses. I make assumptions. Actually, I choose according to a story line that has already been laid down. In this case, a story about a member of the coronavirus family. That’s right. I always knew what I was going to look for. In fact, that initial piece of RNA I began with? I could have selected all sorts of other pieces of RNA, but I chose that one because it seemed to be from the coronavirus family.”
“Does this whole business sound like a Lego or tinker-toy operation? Well, it is. I never have a physical specimen of the virus. I never isolate the purported virus from all the material that surrounds it. I just assume or pretend the virus is in there.”
“Anyway, I now select all sorts of genetic sequences from the huge database. And I hook the sequences together, AS IF they were already connected and real and waiting for me to find them. They weren’t, but I pretend they were.”
“That pretense is the key. It’s like selling a sucker a map leading to a lost silver mine. There was never a map. The con artist cobbled it together from pieces of other old maps of a territory in the mountains of Colorado. The map looks real. It looks whole. But it was never whole.”
“THE GENETIC SEQUENCE OF THE VIRUS is that map. It’s made to look like a one long code that was there all along. But it wasn’t. It isn’t.”