I don't understand why old retired people can't gamble. The most important thing is that they do not get into debt, because they do not have enough time to pay them back. And it would be even more offensive to live the rest of your life, forced to work in a job you don’t like, paying off your debt. Often, old people cannot even get a hired job to pay off the debt and they will have to pay the debt from their pension. But if an older person manages their funds well and has an upper limit on how much they can spend on gaming per month, then I don't think gaming would be a problem for them. Games may well bring him pleasure. For many older people, life is quite sad.
Wise people would make sure they have a financially stable old age for which they will work very hard when they are young and keep saving money or creating assets for their future so that they don't need to worry about finances when they grow old. Such people would have no issues with whatever they want to do because they will have funds available when they are retired and they can use that money to do anything that gives them pleasure.
People who don't save money when they can or do anything for their future but instead take loans and have a lot of debt by the time they need to retire will surely have a hard time when they are old because they can't work the same way when you are old which is why it's essential to make your young days work.
That is the ideal, we as people who , in reality , because of the circumstances, many of us cannot live on what they call retirement or live well even though we are professionals, because in the lives of many of us those who have studied, well, professionals They are not well paid and also the professionals who are in other countries perhaps have a different way of seeing things in their different way of life , I see other Countries like Europe that are very good with our Salaries And yes, you are Encouraged to Offer your People a good Retirement plan in the Future , but not everyone has the same luck, sometimes you have to take risks that in your youth or when you might be saving because it is not possible now, For example, in my case, I Know many things , because I am an Electrical Engineer , and I know a lot About Control and Automation, PLC, and Everything that has to do with Electronics , with comprehensible Wxperience with medical Equipment in its Installation and Repair , but even Now things are not easy Because when you Ask for a job in Europe just Because I´m Latino, they don't see you as an option.
In the Latin countries it is very Difficult to get a Good , Respectable job , it is not like tha t, things are very different, things are harder, so when you know even more than the Same Europeans in certain branches they do not Take you into Consideration nor do they even Consider the opportunity of I'll tell you to see how it goes, no, then things only happen for those who live and are natives of those countries, that's all I'm Referring to, I mean, you have to work not just to live day to day , but to be able to offer better opportunities for a good life for a family, and try to look for jobs where you are very lucky and they take you and can trust in what can be Contributed , that is what I mean by this, so it is not like many think, it is much more difficult for some.