It takes on average 3 minutes to answer.
Here is the link for the questionnaire:
More details if you want to know more about it:
For this, it was created a questionnaire with Likert type scale questions. These dimensions will then be used to construct a model, based on the traditional Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) developed in 1989, and some others developed afterwards, but with more adapted to the cryptocurrencies ecosystem. Then it will be done some data analysis and compilation of results.
This questionnaire has some focus on the financial area, but this does not mean it is the most important. We know there are some other dimensions not being addresses in this questionnaire, such as decentralisation/government influence, that may be addressed in the future.
After analysing and publishing the thesis and papers I will post on this forum with infographics and the most important conclusions of the study.
There are no open questions, but you can post here or message me about this.
Thank you for your time! Best Regards,
The University Institute of Lisbon research team