I would love to see an outright ban on partisan politics in the main forum. (For the P&S forum, well, that's what it's for).
I don't think that's necessary. If it's off-topic, you can already report it and it gets removed. If it's on the wrong board, report it and it gets moved.
Clearly it's not consistent since there are several pro-Trump, anti-Harris threads on the main forum
right now.
Ain't that what is happening. Moderators would need to see that your thread is related to Bitcoin if you post it in Bitcoin discussion even though there's politics included like what is happening now where the US presidential candidates are also talking about Bitcoin and other things.
You can, using one connection or another, connect US partisan politics to
any conversation and it's very easy to simply use Bitcoin as a gateway to talk about your favorite candidate.
And all you have to do is watch how a thread devolves: it quickly starts throwing around the usual partisan insults, e.g. "commie" or "nazi" or whatever.
Now, if it's pure politics, it goes to another board, and if its sways to non politics it goes to off topic.
I won't worry about this because this forum had been running for a long time and I think they are cleaning it as much as they possibly can so that everything is in their appropriate boards.
I probably should have prefaced my post here by saying that, generally speaking, this is one of the best-run forums I've ever seen. No moderation is perfect, but it runs really well overall. I am certainly talking about fine-tuning here.
What you are saying is we cannot put names? I think that will be difficult especially if the one telling the idea about cryptocurrency or Bitcoin is a politician. It's better if it's detailed, right? It's a thread, if something pops out about Bitcoin and a politician said it, it can also be shared in Bitcoin discussion especially if there's one already available to share it instead of creating another.
There's news, and there's editorial. "Trump attends Bitcoin conference" is obviously news, but the responses to that news are... editorial. In other words, some people's conclusions are going to be, "...and so you should support Trump in the next US election!", at which point the conversation is about who should win the next US election,
and therefore how life in the US should change or not change for every American.
Indeed, I think some outside of the US don't care about absolutely anything except one particular policy and they perceive (wrongly) that changing one of our politicians will change that policy. Then they look up how you are supposed to advocate for that politician, and viola, they are repeating the politician's party line and every aspect of it.
This can be illustrated by how some of the "big boys" (and yes, they are all
boys ) of crypto are advocating for Trump: they are giving him millions so he can
buy advertising to broadcast his talking points that have nothing to do with Bitcoin. There is no significant "Bitcoin vote" and they know that. They do what any industry lobby does.
So while I think it's theoretically possible to have non-political Bitcoin-related announcement thread that includes a politician or political surrogate, that's not, in practicality, what happens.