The New American Economic Miracle:
Stop being fooled folks.
It has always been about power and money.
Our miserable life doesnt matter.
Until we all rise against those sociopathic fuckers.
here have a free hug my friends:
The only way to prevent WW3 is to make sure the US is destroyed too. It turned out, there's a particular spot over the US where an EMP attack can paralyze it entirely so its WEstern portion can be exorcised by China & Russia cleans its eastern part. I think, it's about time that the Anglo-Zionist empire which has possesed the US should be eradicated once and for all. THe American people have gotten by without these evil spirits possessing them and they will be too happy to get rid of these scum. They have done enough damage to the world. JUst thinking the heinous crimes they brazenly committed like blowing up the Twin Towers in New York just to justify the militarization of the US security apparatus (look at the militarized police of Fergusson, Mo.) and spread wars in the MIddle East to fatten up their military-industrial complex with wars, blowing up the Malaysian Airlines with its innocent passengers, etc., it really makes me cringe. These are not sane people.
THe Europeans have many things to answer too, why despite their pretensions of high culture, they could be easily stampeded by the US to its wicked ways. I think, while it's obvious why Putin doesn't want to traumatize the Europeans further because it will only fuel the evil designs of the Anglo-Zionist gang, the EU doesn't deserve to exist either for their complicity. After the destruction of the empire, here's a solution to the EU:
Well, we're already in the middle of a financial war but it turned out not as thrilling as one might have expected because the WEstern villains are already bankrupt and their financial system is imploding. Actually, if one wants to bring down the EU,it's easy and it's supposed strongest member is the most vulnerable point. Germany? Precisely. Deutsche Bank has a $75 trillion derivative debt, and it is actually to prevent the corrosive effects of that debt that is in the middle of the continental austerity program which is strangling the rest.
I quote the significant part:
... this epic derivative exposure is the primary reason why Germany, theatrically kicking and screaming for the past
five years, has done everything in its power, even "yielding" to the ECB, to make sure there is no domino-like
collapse of European banks, which would most certainly precipitate just the kind of collateral chain breakage and
net-to-gross conversion that is what causes Anshu Jain, and every other bank CEO, to wake up drenched in sweat every
Russia can crash the EU if it wants to.It can nationalize the exposure to Russian companies by French banks (about $50 billion) which will surely crash the highly-indebted BNP Paribas, which will start the chain of crashing European banks, Deutsche Bank included.If you remember, mere strict oversight of banks in EU minor member countries Hungary & Romania forced through rippling effects the crash of the biggest Austrian bank. Fortunately, it was not as big as Deutsche Bank. I think this was the part that was threatened by the US in blackmailing the Europeans to join its sanctions. Actually, Russia can do it too, with the same disastrous effect.