Wow. Disdain for intellectuals and the arts? Can you give an example? I didn't realise it was so bad. Although it does seem predictable with the criteria spelled out like that.
Side note: I would estimate that the US is almost as bad as Russia for most of those criteria. Although their love of fame, brands, and endorsements (cult of personality), would appear to counteract any cultural dislike of intellectuals.
Cult of personality: Well, maybe a kind of.
Single-party system:
Not even close to truth.
Identification of enemies as a Unifiying Cause: Half-truth here, it's correct for ukraine too.
Militarism: Not even close to truth, there were no "anti-terrorist operation" or illegal mobilization. By the way, our president and government officials don't pose in camouflage, as Poroshenko and Turchinov like to do. If you're speaking about Crimea then remember that Sevastopol was annexed by Ukraine in 1993 without any referendum.
Controlled mass-media: Not even close to truth. The most of federal TV channels are private owned, except for 1st channel, 51% of which is owned by state. Despite ITAR-TASS news agency is 100% state-owned there are also some 100% private-owned new agencies such as Interfax. In the Ukraine almost all media outlets are owned directly by government officials. 100% of 5th channel is owned by Poroshenko, 100% of ATN and 1+1 TV channels are owned by Ihor Kolomoyski, etc.
Obsession with National Security: Half-Truth here. Ukrainian Security Service see russian spy or GRU agent in any person, even in your cat.
Disdain of Intellectualsnand Arts: WTF?
Religion and government are interwened: Not even close to truth. For examples you need to know that Russian Orthodox Church doesn't recognize independence of South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Republic of Crimea. They consider them as parts of Georgia and Ukraine respectively.
Fraudulent Elections: Not even funny to compare.
So the final results are:Exact match: 1 (11.11%)
Half-Truth: 2 (22.22%)
Not even close to truth: 4 (44.44%)
Unclassified: 2
You know what does it mean.
@ Balthazar "Controlled mass-media: Not even close to truth. The most of federal TV channels are private owned, except for 1st channel, 51% of which is owned by state. Despite ITAR-TASS news agency is 100% state-owned there are also some 100% private-owned new agencies such as Interfax. In the Ukraine almost all media outlets are owned directly by government officials. 100% of 5th channel is owned by Poroshenko, 100% of ATN and 1+1 TV channels are owned by Ihor Kolomoyski, etc"
Controlled Mass MediaThere is no freedom of the press in Russia ( ) . None, Not one report from inside the country can be trusted. Every country-wide channels is tightly controlled by the government. Of course, that includes Russia Today, which receives $300 million dollars from the Russian government every year. ( )
By far the biggest TV channel in Russia is the state controlled “Channel One,” famous for its news anchor Dmitry Kiselyov who, among other things, said that the Kremlin can turn the US into nuclear dust any time it likes ( ), and suggested the hearts of gays should be burned. ( ) Having listened to him, rather than being horrified, Putin was so impressed he personally appointed him the head of Russia Today. How about that? ( )
On the other hand, and even though Yanukovych tried to control it before he was ousted. Ukraine, has a relatively free press. ( So much so, for the last 10 years Russian journalists systematically fled to Ukraine because they were forbidden to do their job in Russia. ( )
Not just forbidden, unsafe. Journalists are killed and assaulted in Russia every year. 49 have been killed since Putin first came to hold power in 2001, all of them assassinated for political reasons. ( )
No journalists were killed in Ukraine between 2001 and 2014 ( ). Not until the Russian invasion. Since then, several journalists were killed by Russian militants in Donbass. ( )
Despite the iron fist on mainstream media, internet in Russia was relatively free. Until recently, that is, when Putin decided to annex Crimea. Since then opposition blogs have been routinely blacklisted ( ), online news outlets censored ( ), and the biggest and most successful independent online newspaper saw its entire staff laid off by the pro-Kremlin oligarch ( ). Twitter too is being censored ( ), and Wikipedia ( )
Further, Putin blocked the sites of opponents, outlawed anonymous blogging, and ordered all bloggers to 'register' with the mass media regulator, i.e., the Kremlin censor. ( )
Nothing like this exists in Ukraine.