Kadyrov already got some of his "medical supplies" back in coffins. I'm sure more are coming.
There are a few jokes in our press about the humanitarian convoy. I've picked ones that would make sense even translated.
- A humanitarian aid convoy might be sent by the US to protect the civilians against the Russian humanitarian one.
- Voice of Russia has told Romanians that if they start protesting against russian politics they will too get a humanitarian convoy.
- Russian will also help with the plumbing in the villages. In each truck you can see barrels sticking out.
- Ukrainians are wondering why in each truck there are 80 fully armed drivers.
- PSD (Leading party in romania , known for bribing during elections) is wondering why the Russian are sending food and other stuff to the population 5 months after the election and not in the days before.
- While the convoy is advancing in Ukraine the Russian soldiers have started to buy down anti-tank and anti-personal drugs and survival kits with medium to long range
- A village has blown up after a soldier dropped a box with Rivanol.
niothor, I want to address these jokes in more depth.
First a note to Romanians.
That you, shall I say, dislike Soviet Union is quite understandable. However, the fact that you project this dislike onto Russia is unfounded, yet something that is just too good not to be used to sick Romanians on to Russians by some interested third party. Just think. Russia itself was under the Soviet hood at the time, lead by a Georgian, with another Georgian as a head of KGB, the Soviet Army consisted of representatives from all republics of that time, the annexed territories were ascribed to Ukraine (which it still holds). So, Georgia gets to rule, Ukraine gets the land, and Russia gets the blame. An interesting outcome. Would you be so kind to pass this thought on the Romanian forums that you frequent?
It is sad to see even Russian effort at help, not to mention the initiatives for peace talks, getting demonised. Russia has always been the first and sometimes the only, country to offer large-scale help when disasters struck other nations. I can mention the latest flooding in Yugoslavia, or the more distant tsunami in Japan, which is, by the way, a hostile towards Russia country, yet in the moment of need Russia ignores such hostilities and extends a hand of help, with equipment, rescue workers, and offering to host a skating championship at short notice.
The jokes you list fell rather contrived. For example "A humanitarian aid convoy might be sent by the US to protect the civilians against the Russian humanitarian one." But US, together with Canada have already sent "humanitarian help" to Ukraine in the form of non-lethal (though no one controlled or questioned it) weapons to be used in the East of Ukraine. I hear no angry outcry in the "civilised world", though.
These jokes is just another aspect of rumour-spreading to prime the local population to become a willing cannon fodder in somebody else's agenda, should such need arise.
I checked the Russian jokes at
http://www.anekdot.ru/last/anekdot/ to get a feel of what is on the mind of people and in the rumour mill. There are surprisingly few political ones, and those are mainly aimed at the domestic problems. there are only 5-6 international jokes on the first 2 pages, and even they do not bear any anger or aggression. There are only a couple about Ukraine:
- That Ukraine chose Europe does not at all mean that Europe has to marry her.
And a couple to the world in general:
- I don't want WWIII, I want Hal-Life 3, but by the looks of it, getting WWIII is more likely.
- The world is divided into clever and stupid. And the stupid are divided into religious clans and political parties.
As for keymone2, I have classified him for my own reference as a much more clever version of Pagan. Yet, a smart bomb is still a bomb. His posts seem rational until you start digging deeper, when all kinds of discrepancies appear. Mostly its a grain of reality weaved into a constructed lie to make it appear plausible. I don't know why he is doing it - believing what he writes or for some other motives, but most of his statement had been discussed an refuted before.
First , those king of jokes are published on that newspaper website every week , and about what's the top news. It's either us , russia ,israel or one of our oligarch faking a suicide to get out of jail.
After this , let me address your points.. and a few more.
A second "first" . let me tell you that it's a pleasure to find somebody to take russia side and be able to talk with him , unlike the guys that say fuck us , fuck europe , burn wood , eat iodine.
Now, you're saying that the current russia is not like the urss. Ok. But then I want you to come out and say that the current us is not to be blamed for the death and persecution of the natives. It wasn't the same usa at that time , wasn't it?
And about the leaders , the current president it;s the same , god knows where this momkobama was born ...
And here we come to the point that matters. Most of you russians think that if we criticize russian involvement in urkaine (please don't deny it) we are supporters of the us.
No hell no. most of us romanians and most of europeans say... fuck them both.
That's why i dislike Putin tentative of control of the internet that's why i dislike cia programs, the mpaa , (I was a helper on thepiratebay website a long time ago , blue skull) or any bullshit prism programs.
This is one thing most of the russians don't understand. If i criticize russia i'm an enemy and i'm pro us.
Hell if I get how most of you think but this is insane.
It seems that ww2 has left some scars and something else that have really messed up some of the heads there...
You can check the forums , most of the pro-ru had the same opinion , russia will survive , we can deal with it , it's you who are going to starve.
It some persecution concept that is hidden deep inside the brain or god knows what.
40 years of brainwashing where you where pictured as the survivors of the ww2 , the ones that fought and died and managed to defeat the evil germany (alone , not to mention the allies as it was only you who did it all) and then... country with a gdp smaller that california , accepted on the backdoor at the g8 and which doesn't produce anything , all the cool stuff comes from outside.
And most of you are blaming this on the rest of the world rather than you and try to demonize everything that comes from he west.
*Please not that i use you to picture pro Russians and Russian , not you or your way of thinking
And then
Why always the double measures?
When nato troops arrived in poland ... why nato forces so close to border , why us want was why nazi troops in poland , those where the post.
When russia is moving 40k troops to the border , it's .. we need to protect ourselves.
The same thing with the picture about the nato bases , those bases are there because those country need the same protection as you do.
What the hell is the problem.
So poland , hungary , romania , should withdraw all their troops and send them to spain so that russian can feel at ease?
What about us?
If somebody doesn't share your idea you're (not you specifically ) quick on the propaganda offensive depicting everything as evil
Romania took a stance against the russian involvement , what was next?
You depict russian media as informative , as a neutral party , then let me show you this video...
http://adevarul.ro/news/eveniment/rusia-declansat-propaganda-stupida-romaniei-1_535d40a50d133766a8244db6/index.htmlhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8Jo4iTGtZsAnd crap the video was deleted.
1) One russian reporter goes to a village and makes a whole scene asking for a romanian bag of salt and he continuously asks for romanian salt why holding a bag of that stuff in his hand.
Conclusion... romania has no salt.
The biggest salt company is owned by the romanian people here through an investment fund and all the salt we consume comes from sarom sa but .. no.. the rt crew knows something else. Romanians have no salt!
2) then they go to a village where the factory has been closed and start blaming the eu for this and the jobs lost.
Funny fact is that the factory in question was owned by mechel group , a russian one that closed 5 factories in romania two years ago sending 20 000 people to the unemployment office. But no , to the rt guys all is to be blamed on the eu.
With this kind of attitude where if someone criticize you you go to the offensive in this way of course nobody is going to like you.
Watch those threads about russia..
Don't you see the same people commenting ? Unlike in the others where there are a bunch writing.
Why? Because all of them are tired of this propaganda made by both 247crypto and pagan.