2.if in terms of credit and financial stability its merely due to the fact that the west have been running this debt ponzi scheme the longest, therefore have the upper hand no matter how much the developing countries try to catch up.
3.if we define "rich" as in terms of furtile land, natural resources, ecology, access to fresh water, non gmo agricultural infrostructure; then i would suggest that europe is particulary poor within most of those areas.
1.Sure, if you consider wealth as the banana production Uganda is a rich country It's a socialist bias to torture words...
2.If west can have debt is because it's the most competitive part of the world, but you don't understand the importance of competitiveness in economy.
3.We still the richest by this criteria, it's china that become poor.
You seem not understand that wealth is the quantity of useful capital (not wind turbine or railway...) accumulated and wealth production is the sum of added value produced by the economy. It's not a question of monetary system, if tomorrow dollar collapse and we use bitcoin the capital and wealth production of every country stay the same, it's just the unity that change.
LOL, you're at it again. At least, finally you've done away with your pretension of bad English (see, I was correct, wasn't I? lol). As a result, your small mind has become more obvious, you can no longer hide your ignorance by pretending bad grammar, but then, you still have the gall to insist on having the last word no matter if it reeks of your ignorance. You are at least a good soldier of the masters of the Dark Forces, LOL, you are faithful to your mision order: 1) be THE arbiter at all cost, pretend you are above everybody & discredit them so you can blunt their propaganda going against the glory of the Dark Forces, 2) USE LABELS to put down the enemy, AS TYPICAL of the politics of political correctness of the dark forces in the last days of the bankrupt WEstern comedy. That politics of political correctness (where they determine who is politically correct- "either you are with us or against us") has become a fascistic tool for control. Therefore, you regularly throw labels to your opponents thinking they will be damaged but fortunately, that gimmick has become passe. Can somebody be damaged if you label him stupid, socialist or even "Russian" if the assertion came from somebody with no credibility & obviously just a pawn like you? Look at the WEstern propaganda press, nobody takes it sriously anymore after its many lies (the lie of the weapon of mass destruction in Iraq & the lie of the poison gas in Syria, for example), everybody now knows they are mercenaries too (like you?). You tried to dismiss me before as Russian without even knowing me, as if being French is more respectable now than being Russian. THe Russians have become very hot lately, I became a fan just like my friends worldwide; the German Finance Minister said that the "tremendous" American soft power was not enough to turn German opinion against the Russians (though I'm not even Russian, I may even be more Western than you, our only diffrence is I just have the brains to see the WEst is tottering & I have lost the interest to vouch for its respectability after all its much-published hypocrisy. It has become banal, a failure.
Speaking of wealth, let me marvel about how wealthy & competitive a country with $60 trillion debt (all the while its records showed it only had $17 trillion debt- clearly a case of manipulating data- why? isn't the modern WEstern economy based on - TRUST), with an economy 70% relying on consumption from a populace with 20% families with no employment, 47 million on welfare, major retail outlets closing by the thousands because nobody besides the 1% is buying, its biggest state Callifornia is fighting bankruptcy (most of its cities have become bankrupt),many cities nationwide including the second biggest is fighting bankruptcy, etc. (too many other povert stories to write here). THe curious thing is that even against that dire mass poverty canvass, its propaganda press was praising its recovery (it turned out it shrunk 2.9%, lol). Enough of lousy comedy.THe world needs credibility, next act please.
Manipulated data is not wealth. Many credible economists call these dire straits as decline. One is not highly competitive when one is on decline. Like Rome, have you heard about the arrogance of Rome? That invalidates all your points.