There is no speaking of inclusion of Novorossia into Ukraine any longerOn the northern outskirts of Moscow, under reliable protection of the interior troops the formerly secret institute of the Foreign Intelligence Service is hidden. The golden letters "Russian Institute of Strategic Research" now show up on the front of the overhang. But the peaceful name doesn't confuse those who are in the know — more than two hundred employees forge the Motherland's analytical shield here. Will there be a new war in the south-east of Ukraine? Who is behind the US president? Why so many among our officials can be called the ideological agents of influence? These and other questions of "AN" were answered by the director of RISR, the retired lieutenant-general Leonid RESHETNIKOV. ... Mother of all Hell, this a fuckingly great interview! I loved it
. personally I agree on 99%, specially I didn't knew that the icbm of the western terrorist couldn't reach the urals. it must remain so, at all cost. I furthermore second the continuous splitting between fsb/gru, for the exact same reason that he mentioned (you will never read a westerner not wanting to centralize everything under his agency, genuinely cool).
but, it's about those that exile their children from the motherland, don't worry, the more they will learn about the deep corruption of the west, how it's possible for billionaire to rape 12 years old in group, and get 1 year of jail (and the others culprit a la silivio, dsk, Clinton etc etc etc are all free, until they are rounded up to the kl).
So the best think do to, is 1 prepare for the worst against the worst of those that lost their souls (mainly euro/us shit), understand that you are facing a common enemy with PLAoC, once all of those have been exterminated (internally or by you) it's very important to move toward peace (which is impossible as long as those westerners will be alive).
peace, long live the Federation... and a last question... is the RISR smoke free ( I mean outdoor?).
just remember the gmers are doomed, they don't want to accept but they don't have the right, and they will perish for what they attempted to do, if you and others didn't raise against the program of enslavement, but with such pedophiles everything is possible.
edit: I was very interested in the concept of merging the past and present, what does it mean? And what is happening afterward in the march toward progress prosperity peace equity stability harmony respect of the planet and it's inhabitant?
edit2: you have more support in America than you think...