Just when the game was starting to make some kind of sense...
Seriously, I'm utterly lost and confused regarding the whole Kingdom/Outpost/Village thing and how they all work together (or don't). The game feels like it lacks cohesion, with random elements being thrown together and added haphazardly. I can't even find a tutorial or guide for the Outpost/Kingdom thing and how it is supposed to fit with adventuring.
For example, I randomly hit "View Outpost" out in the boondocks where I am, and I get some screen that tells me I've angered the Dark Wizard and there are thousands of troops there (and everywhere else apparently). She (the Dark Wizard is a "She"?) has "sent troops and captured your outpost". Huh? I just hit View Outpost, I didn't establish one.
While I'm confused, here are some other questions I haven't been able to find info on in the guides:
1. What is the point of the Proclaim button? What benefit do you get from it? And how many resources do you need to do it successfully? (I've never reached the threshold apparently.)
2. How do you destroy a village? I can attack them, but don't see any option to destroy one, or take control of one.
3. Is there any relationship between Villages and fighting over Outposts and/or Kingdoms? For that matter, what is the relationship between Kingdom PvP and fighting over outposts?
4. Why do I lose 1% of stuff passing over some villages, but not other ones?
5. Is there any relationship between villages and Proclaimed land? Seems strange that one person/clan can proclaim land, and then someone else has a village on it, or so I gather.
PS: I do like the graphical upgrades that rolled out earlier today - much better!
The first time someone clicks on View Outpost on a tile it will send you directly to the Established an Outpost page where it is partially set up. Because you are establishing buildings on the Dark Wizards land she gets angry and immediately takes it from you. At this point you can move on or send your own troops to fight with hers to take it back. (Spoiler.. Outposts don't exist until a player sets one up. This is why you get this screen and story.)
Outposts were added as an addition to the minimap. Due to the map tiles being randomly chosen when new tiles are uncovered this makes an optimal way to distribute resource fields across the world. Conquering these fields will provide your kingdom with hourly resources that can be used to build troops with or upgrade buildings in villages.
For your ordered questions,
1. Proclaiming land takes 10 of each clan resource and 10 dp from the player. Your clan will gain 1 of each resource every time a player walks across land proclaimed by your clan. If you click the View Map under the navigational minimap on the left side of the game you can see semi transparent green and red lines and spots. The lime green areas are lands proclaimed by your clan, red are spots proclaimed by everyone else.
2. You won't be able to destroy or seize a village until it has already been attacked 9 times and you hit it the 10th. Once that happens you will have the option to seize it if you can hold another village. If you don't seize it then it will be destroyed once you leave that page.
3. Villages and Kingdoms are different and currently don't interact. You can only attack one kingdom per hour but if a player is storing their kingdom troops in an outpost you can hit it as often as you want with the only limit being the time it takes to get there. But unlike Kingdoms, you can take other players outposts by destroying all of their troops.
4. You only lose resources to villages that are owned by a clan. If a player isn't in a clan then they won't collect anything from you when you come across it.
5. No relationship between villages and proclaimed land.