* Is gambling really to be blamed in ruining lifes?
Even though the online casino gambling as influences on the massive audience, I don't think it has been in any strategic or physically enforced a compulsory venture to anyone that he must gamble.
I don't see gambling walking to the players instead the players walks to the gambles so, directly and indirectly gambling has an influence but has not path to be blamed over individuals irrepressible living on their caused of gambling.
For a weak person it is but for a strong person its not, it really depends on the character of the gambler, gambling only ruin weak people, the gambling platforms are meant to be an entertainment portal and strong individuals treated gambling it as such but for weak people its their temptation to fulfill their dream that will not and cannot happen in platforms like gambling.
People are quick to blame gambling for their miseries and these people are weak people who think wrongly about gambling, if you know the fact about gambling and you follow the right path I don't think you will be ruined in gambling.
People who have definition about gambling are the one messed up their lives because of gambling.
if only gamblers know how to contain themselves in front of their games, they will enjoy this activity. but of course, that's not the case, because as this activity is very addictive, they won't stop up until their bankroll is busted. or worst, they will resort to borrowing money from everyone they know they can get money of. and dig their grave of debt after debt. consequently, screwing up their life because of the piled up debts. not only their respective life, but sometimes, they can ruin the life of their immediate family members. as they are the ones directly affected by his gambling life.
~ snip long op
This person's life was already ruined before he even got into gambling, why are you saying that gambling is to blame?
Even though he made a lot of money from gambling at first to support his drug addiction, we cannot blame gambling for the addicted life he was leading before that.
Of all the evils, at least he led a dignified life, as he supported his drug addictions with an honest source of income (at first). Many drug addicts prefer to steal or open a clandestine and fraudulent business to get money faster, this would be a bad thing. But the way you stated this fact, I see nothing wrong with gambling.
What I have seen in online gaming addictions is exactly the opposite.... people who are already addicted to gambling end up contracting other addictions to illicit drugs, alcohol or cigarettes due to the psychological stress that gambling losses cause in the people's minds out of control.
people should get the picture that it is not the activity that is harmful, it is the person himself who is abusing the activity making it damaging to his own life. if he fully understands the repercussions of his doings, he will be more careful with his gambling activities and be cautious about what's really going on around him. one should always keep in mind about reality check. be real and not be deluded by some expectations of hitting big. because it is hard to expect such circumstance.