Drug addiction is a result of shitty social conditions like poverty, isolation, and trauma and who is criminalized is extremely political.
Drug addiction is mostly the result of the war on drugs. If people were allowed to grow and smoke marijuana freely, the price of the stuff would be cheap, people would socially figure out where the limit was, and marijuana oil would keep them so healthy that they would easily be able to overcome any dangerous addiction.
When did the war on drugs come into being? A hundred years ago? Did people smoke pot before that time? People smoked pot and used drugs for thousands of years. Now all of a sudden it is illegal. Further, it is the illegality of one drug that drives people to find additional drugs that are not illegal. When those are made illegal, people find more new ones. It is the drug war that has brought about meth and crack. People would never have developed these and others if there was no drug war, because marijuana can be easily grown at home. And it is all because the medical has found that free marijuana oil can heal so many things that it might put the pharmaceutical companies out of business.
Then there is the medical drug addiction that is running rampant all over the world.
The whole drug thing is about money. Repeal the anti-drug laws, and the problem will go away by itself. In addition, a whole bunch of people who harmed nobody will get out of prison and jail.
I wouldn't say it should be allowed to grow everything freely. Not that I'm against the liberty of consuming it, but growing it freely... Well what about low quality possibilities? Mistakes? If anyone can make their own it might turns ugly from time to time!
But making the sell of drugs legal and nationalize it yeah! More money for the government and a good control on quality and help for those who needs it! =)
Marijuana grows freely all across America, all by itself.
One person doesn't want anyone to have it. Another person wants anyone to have it that wants it. Why not make a law that it is required by everyone to smoke at least a little of it everyday?
If freedom is taken away in this, then freedom can be taken away in everything. Consider the following.
In the Northwestern corner of Africa, there is a country called Western Sahara. It has lost its government, and Morocco, Mauritania, and Algeria are trying to take it over; it appears that it has fallen to Morocco.
All these countries have anti-slavery laws. Yet slavery is rampant in Western Sahara, and parts of all these countries. The law is of essentially NO effect. Generally the slaves are treated poorly.
When people from the outside go to the slaves and talk about freedom, the slaves don't understand what they are talking about. This is because their ancestors and family line have been slaves so long that they have never seen or heard of anything else. One can't offer them freedom. They don't know anything about freedom, and will resist to the point of struggling to remain in slavery.
The point? You are in slavery. True, it is less restraining than that of Northwestern Africa. But you are a slave just the same. You barely understand what true freedom is, even when someone explains it to you.
Watch the "Freedom Speech Easy Rider" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gc11mJGre10.