Wouldn't matter. They'd just leave a link to anything.
hilariousandco | 2020-11-29 | Seems to think he's employed me to do something. Abuse of the feedback system (and not the first time I've noticed). |
(Which is not the first time this particular user has done so either)
...and this just in ...
A second DT trust abuse has just occurred against minerjones:
(Not to mention their retaliatory trust feedback abuse against minerjones:
malevolent | 2020-11-30 | Poor reading comprehension skills. Fails to understand what a regular forum moderator can and cannot do. |
How is that trust abuse? It's funny how you don't seem to mind abusing it in a dishonest way in the exact same fashion. You're clearly biased and are doing it in an attempt to smear people you don't like because it's funny how you haven't left theymos negative for the exact same thing including his "transphobic" April's fool joke (joke being the keyword there but obviously satire goes over idiots' heads). MinerJones should be distrusted by everyone right now because he's clearly trying to use the trust system to extort staff to get his own way. Is that what the system is for? No. If someone wants to get staff attention then create a thread in Meta like most people do. Is this going to become common practice to leave a negative feedback everytime something goes unanswerd or unhandled?
From Trust settings:
Exactly. TimeLord's a hypocritical idiot. It's seemingly perfectly fine for him to do the exact same thing, but it's only trust abuse when someone he dislikes does it. MinerJones has just admitted he is using the system in an attempt to be heard and that certainly makes him untrustworthy in my opinion.