If we are just doing it for fun then we will get out early but if we are seeking big profits then we will get engaged in some kind of aggressive betting that can make us addicted towards gambling which should be avoided at any cost.We all need profits in gambling but always in this hope can lead to worse scenarios.
A gambling addict at first also only plays or bets with the aim of having fun, but because they are so happy playing and being able to win a game they become more curious and keep playing until they really become a crazy gambling addict.
If you really don't want to become a gambling addict, then don't ever play gambling occasionally.
There are many ways to be able to get pleasure besides gambling.
If indeed the purpose of gambling is to be able to get profit and more money, then I justify it because even though they have reasons to just seek pleasure, all of that is only an excuse because ini reality they are indeed gambling to seek profit.