I wonder why most of us see terms and condition as too long and boring text to read, no doubt that the wall of text is intimidating due to its lent and size covering several pages and with many terms that may need special interpretation to fully understand.
-But smart enough to just know the basic laws and rules such as the withdrawal limits and conditions and what players do and don't do to avoid getting into problems with the casino.
Do we have basics and most common questions, answers with FAQ?
I believe none of us want to read all texts in Terms of Service (ToS) and are more likely prefer to search what we want to get in FAQ page. After reading answers in FAQ, if we need more information, we can find more in ToS page.
FAQ page usually has basics for accepted cryptocurrencies, withdrawal and deposit but if you want to get information for VPN allowance, restricted areas, you will have to find them in ToS.
If you are not sure with what you found, you can join Live chat to ask Customer support for confirmation and explanation.