Seems awfully strange that when a round ends and payments begin that there are large dumps every time. Maybe not you but in general. There were not really many bounties before so we ruled out developers as noone even bothered developing when you can write yourself a share per hour and in a week have yourself more shares than a months worth of developement and testing.
I don't want to get in an argument about it right now as I am not thinking exactly straight. But, from what i have seen of the bounties here with the "months worth of work and testing" for things isn't quite there. The main thing I have seen for development is lets get an idea and throw code at it without thinking about it. I am not saying that the writing is of par either, there are a LOT of article I wouldn't have given 1/5th a share to that got 10, but the coding isn't on par either with the bounties that have been given out that i have seen. I am sure there are a few that have been worth it, just like some of the writing. Just as an example the way the auction bounty has been discussed (and now dropped it seems) was handled. Not interested in working on it at all, and do not think it would be worth the proposed bounty were it to come to light in the current form.
But bounties are one-offs unless you think the mistakes are being repeated, then bring it up to the bounty admin and we should review how much a bounty should be worth. But at the same time we shoudl review how much each word is worth with bounties in mind as well?
I think the auction bounty of 50 shares is fine, its probably more alot more if we have to create it from scratch, I think 50 is good for starting from a template adding coin payments, setting up initial share offerings etc, all the ad banners and marketing. Its not just 1 person unless noone wants to do it. The benefits also outweigh the bounty as you have to think long term that if the business ends up being profitable that it will help anyone who holds the coins. Likewise with any business that we can come up with that would be funded via shares in some form or another.
It should take very little time to install an off the shelf auction system.
After that, maybe put four people on one share a round as admins for it, ten hours per month each, and let them gradually modify it fancy it up etc toward doing anything we want/need it to do that, off the shelf, it doesn't already do.
If that seems to be making progress but not fast enough, consider adding some more one share a round admins to it, to increase the number of hours a month being put into it.
EDIT: It might even be that installing an off the shelf auction system is done simply by clicking one button in the cpanel or whatever panel the hosting company provides to the website admin. So maybe someone who already admins one of our domains and uses cpanel or other similar type of panel can click on each auction site the panel offers then we can all look and see if any of them have anything useful and if not which is closest to being able to be modified/forked to produce what we want?
I didnt know that, cool... I was actually looking at one that seems to be professional and better than the others I looked at... its $899 on ebay original price of $1200: are others like: which is $240 + $160 for source and $70 for SEO package. I think the first one has some better featurs, but the second one would do the job as well.
THe first one (if we plan to allow fiat) would have ability to set tax codes up or just simply enable it and the current tax rates would be applied to where you live... and the second one allows you to simply say hey, your in USA? Sucks to be you, you cant register.
An important thing to remember is that I suggested a penny auction, not just a normal auction. These style of quibids style auction sites generate insane profit and are easily organized since the company is the only one who is doing the selling. What we want to leverage is the share system so that we can buy things and put them up for sale and generate profit on the go. Report these profits monthly, and spend the profit either to buy up the exchange rate or on another resource like maybe funding bounties or something.
By leveraging the share system we actually seperate ourselves from a traditional business so you can answer the question, "Why dont I just start this business my self without the help of Devcoin?", well devcoin is funding it so unless you have a continous funding stream good luck, with Devcoin we have it and so we use it to try to bring in a profit.
Im not sure what the right number is, but we need for it to grow as demand increases. Either the price rises of devcoin to allow for this or the number of shares are increased and sold at market to buy the things needed to sell. Anyways I'll try to start a writeup.