Ok, I have an odd request. Is it possible to change my username on Devtome?
I signed up to Devtome with a little skepticism and lured by the idea "get paid to write", but I am now so sold on the whole concept of Devcoins that I am driving people around me crazy (quote from housemate: I cant wait to have a conversation with you about something else!)
The idea of a future where creative souls are supported to be just that, not supporting themselves by being something else for someone else - is an idea I really want to get behind and right now my life has enough space to allow me to.
If developers didn't have to worry about marketing themselves and paying the rent, how many innovations, developments and ideas on hold in peoples spare rooms could be set free? If writers could write what they think and feel, not what promotes their bosses, and artists could truly be expressions of social commentary instead of being concerned by the saleability of their work, would humanity be inspired to growth rather than greed? I know it all sounds a bit idealistic but with the work you guys are doing, it is also possible that a struggling artist in outer Mongolia/(random country) could have as much access and support for their work as anyone else, anywhere else on the planet.
Anyway, when I signed up, I used melodiem (which is my name and I do use it online but mostly for website or business services and there are a lot of melodiem's in the world). I had a business mindset about Devtome because that is what drew me.
My working names as an artist and performer are Melodiemuse and jaciblak but I learned the hard way to be a bit protective of my melodiemuse because Ive used it so long its become a trademark for my artwork offline and a spiteful ex showed me I had been a little naive. (I have not used jaciblak in a long time and it was mostly a music performance name)
Because I understand Devcoin better and what it is about I want to correct this. I came into this looking for another way to help pay the rent but I know now that want to associate myself as an artist with Devtome and devcoins and since I didnt know how to pay the rent before I came in, if that never happens I am no worse off
I have also chosen to publish my first solo book on Devtome. Its been almost ready for offline publishing for a long time but releasing it on Devtome feels like I am actually contributing something from myself rather than writing for the sake of writing.
My username is a little thing, but it has been bugging me. I feel a bit like I need to come out of the closet. If I cant change it that is ok, but I would like to introduce myself to you guys properly without a business mask so ... Hello!