I got one, too. I suspect it's about the issue below.
Notabot would stop selling his devcoins, and send all but 5 million back to people at the end of December, and then send all but 5 million back at the end of the round 30 payment at the end of January. For a year, round 31 to round 42 inclusive, a third of his earnings would be sent back.
Indeed that's what it's from. Notabot decided to not hold back 5 million as I recommended, he sent all his 20 million devcoins. I then sent it in turn in proportion to the current account 31 file. The payments are currently at:
but that file changes once in a while so it's not a permanent record. The block record is permanent, and the transactions are in the following blocks:
The next and last payment will be at the end of this payment round, about Jan 28, 2014.
I am pretty much against the way you've handled this. I am not posting this publicly to cause problems, but to hopefully get other opinions on it as well.
Here's the issue: you paid these out according to the *current round* instead of the past ones. The problem here is that it was those in *previous rounds* that actually lost the coins. Their shares were diluted due to this problem, and now it's not those who lost that get rewarded for their losses but those who never lost anything (unless someone happened to have the same ratio in each round, which is highly unlikely, especially with the changes to max share count from Devtome and the massive number of bounties this round). Essentially what has happened is some have lost coins and others who were not affected are the ones being rewarded.
This is completely backwards from how it should be.