Round 103 is finally here as of block 412000. It was a smooth round in regards to operations. All active file custodians synced on timely manner. Kudos for that!
Now lets do some numbers to demonstrate my point of view in regards to inflation, or effective inflation if you prefer. Devcoin core is setup to ~10% yearly inflation since inception. But things aren't that simple anymore. Since the Devcoin Foundation controls 90% of the newly generated coins and we have most of them sent to cold wallets, inflation has drastically reduced to %0.5. I hope that this motivates HODLers to start spending their Devcoins, since they control huge reserves. In the other hand, the Devcoin Foundation should keep its funds frozen as much as possible. So we need to keep our very low profile budget to keep operations working at minimum cost.
Go go Devcoin!
- develCuy
Low inflation is a great solution for the problem that was ongoing, in that it helps turn DVC into a currency instead of a HODL coin. That said, it needs to have uses as well: exchanges, stores or services, etc. Has there been any headway in any of these yet? In the past we were just on some bad exchanges (like Vircurex or whatever it's called), which had little to no volume. Also, if I can get a heads-up when it's time each round, I'd love to reclaim my position as file custodian.