It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency,
since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site;
Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in -
your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency
so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
Quick question: Normally the files which keep track of word count are updated regularly (every day, usually). However, the file for round 30 ( has not been updated since the 14th of November. This might be a really ignorant question, but how can I see how many words I have written (where is there an updated file/is there one)?
There's something error happen with my server, and it's fixed now.
I would like to propose a bounty for a few scripts that will help developers make web wallets for devcoin in the future.
1. Auth script - We need a class that authenticates the user and provides a way to check if the user is still authenticated and timeout after N number of minutes. 2. 2FA script - Google 2FA should really be a common feature on any site now days, this should be available on day 1 of any web wallet. 3. Unit Tests - Must have unit tests required as part of the requirement with coverage over 85% to ensure bug free scripts. 4. Front End UI - Generic UI, simple to use, perhaps an wallet page clone now that their site is defunct we can at least get something good out of it. - Utilize the design concept for a good purpose since everyone is comfortable with it already. But instead of the hiding of the modules, setup the UI as tabs just like the QT client to simplify life for everyone.
I think the bounty should be split percent wise among the users that finish each point of 1-4. Any suggestions as to what should be added to this list?
can someone who is very fimilar with devcoin give me some answers why devcoin is worth to support? (exept the gaining value)
I have some questions i never find a quick answer.
1. i read 90% of the mining goes to the developpers. like i understood he has a registration site where open source developper can register and become devcoins for free. is that correct?
2. Who / how many persons decide how much each open source project becomes?
3. Is there a kind of fee/tax/demurage involved to grap value from other persons exept the miners?
4. How much coins will be genereated, is the a cap or a soft cap? (xxx million + 1 million per year for example)
Hello let me try to "win" you over
90% of the mining goes to developers and admins for work. Developers signed up to devtome will only receive coin via writing or developing bounties.
As of now bounty sizes are assigned with consensus but I argue that allowing bounties to grow as more coins are mined gives chance for market forces to take over allowing a more efficient price discovery mechanism that will allow for greater work output.
Regarding coin generation there is no cap.. and this may seem counter intuitive to new comers in crypto since most coins have a cap ( mostly to make money as early adopters ) but the long term ramifications of having no inflationary force driving price may lead to less adoption of the masses when crypto coins blow up to the average joe level... What I mean is that when mining stops after cap is reached we do not know if transaction fees offer enough incentive to continue keeping the network secure enough for a global system.
Devcoin doesnt have to worry about that issue... also looking deeper you can see that as more people use it (demand increases) and supply is static.. this created deflation amd drives price up uniformly. Each year the amount of coin being created is exponentially less and less in ratio with total supply so it becomes scarce as people adopt and as time goes by.. this is why its a steal at these prices.
Thanks for you second answer, thats a bit better for me to understand, do you have dutch roots? Because you Saïd you don,t speek dutch any more, or was that Google translate :-)
Good. Yes I do, problem is nobody, well nearly nobody outside Holland speaks dutch, including the Dutch.
Then you guys are well intergrated, :-) what,s your slogan over there, "if it ain,t dutch it ain,t much " Just kidding :-)
can someone who is very fimilar with devcoin give me some answers why devcoin is worth to support? (exept the gaining value)
I have some questions i never find a quick answer.
1. i read 90% of the mining goes to the developpers. like i understood he has a registration site where open source developper can register and become devcoins for free. is that correct?
2. Who / how many persons decide how much each open source project becomes?
3. Is there a kind of fee/tax/demurage involved to grap value from other persons exept the miners?
4. How much coins will be genereated, is the a cap or a soft cap? (xxx million + 1 million per year for example)
There's a lot of info here: Devcoin. Dinkleberg's post was right, except that the number of generation shares earned per round (month) will vary depending on how much work someone does and what that work is. Deciding on 'how much' bounties or earnings are is mostly about suggesting something and seeing if other people agree, consensus. The process is getting more detailed over time.
(I'm in the process of trying to collate info for a sort of FAQ so you could look at this devcoin summary, but bear in mind some of that is just my opinion only).
Thanks for you second answer, thats a bit better for me to understand, do you have dutch roots? Because you Saïd you don,t speek dutch any more, or was that Google translate :-)
Good. Yes I do, problem is nobody, well nearly nobody outside Holland speaks dutch, including the Dutch.
1. i read 90% of the mining goes to the developpers. like i understood he has a registration site where open source developper can register and become devcoins for free. is that correct?
2. Who / how many persons decide how much each open source project becomes?
90% does go to the developers, the developers get 180,000,000 devcoins a month in total.
As an open source developer, you'll get one generation share a round, as long as you keep developing. You'll also have the option to rate writers which will earn you devcoins.
4. How much coins will be genereated, is the a cap or a soft cap? (xxx million + 1 million per year for example)
The generation is constant at 50,000 coins per block, which is 1,000 times higher than the bitcoin starting rate. At a typical rate of 144 blocks a day, 1,008 a week, roughly 4,000 a month, that means the 200,000,000 devcoins are generated each month. The generation is unlimited, the transaction limit is 21 billion devcoins, that is to stop someone from breaking the system by overflowing an integer.
can someone who is very fimilar with devcoin give me some answers why devcoin is worth to support? (exept the gaining value)
I have some questions i never find a quick answer.
1. i read 90% of the mining goes to the developpers. like i understood he has a registration site where open source developper can register and become devcoins for free. is that correct?
2. Who / how many persons decide how much each open source project becomes?
3. Is there a kind of fee/tax/demurage involved to grap value from other persons exept the miners?
4. How much coins will be genereated, is the a cap or a soft cap? (xxx million + 1 million per year for example)
Thanks for your reaction and your time, it is a bit hard for me to understand everything you just wrote here, because i normal don,t write english but i think you ment that this Isn,t the time now for a project like this, keep up the good work here guys,
Nederlands? Sorry ik kan geen nederlands spreken meer...
The project: A shorter answer - I don't know, my thoughts are just one opinion. I'm somebody who would like e-money/cryptocurrencies to become a real alternative to state money and power. I think to achieve that will take time and experiment and learning to balance supply and demand with real economies (I mean for all currencies not just devcoin).
Your idea may be part of that but I think it might require more steps to get there, because like it or not most people don't give to charity for free. So it would need a reason to work. If you can think of ways to make it work then discuss them and if it's a good idea somebody will do it - devcoin or otherwise - like most good ideas.
Ik begrijp het nu :-)
Thanks for you second answer, thats a bit better for me to understand, do you have dutch roots? Because you Saïd you don,t speek dutch any more, or was that Google translate :-)
It'll be on Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance etc shortly!
Solid writeup!! I think if we are intending non geeky ppl to read it we need to identify some of the terms with explanations and outside links and sources to info.. I proof read and made my comments with (** and closed my comment with **) please see below:
In 2011 the unique digital currency Devcoin was launched; an ethically inspired open source project based on the Bitcoin protocol, with the unique mission of funding open source projects created by programmers, hardware developers, writers, musicians, painters, graphic artists and filmmakers worldwide. When the market cap(**Talk about how traditional market cap is different than crypto currency and that the caps are growing fast because it is emerging market**) of Devcoin reaches a certain point, a significant reward will be offered for the development of an open source spacecraft. Devcoin is one of the longest running blockchain based digital currencies(**What does this mean? what is a blockchain digital currency??**), which means the currency’s network itself is well established and has proven itself to be robust and reliable(**How? Talk about the connection between network hashrate and security of transactions ?**). The main difference between Devcoin and Bitcoin is that Devcoin is merge mined(merge-mined) with Bitcoin(**how many merge-mined coins are there? talk about piggy-backing bitcoins security with connection to information above**); Bitcoin miners can mine Devcoin and Bitcoin simultaneously, essentially earning “free coins” for supporting the Devcoin network.
In the last month, Devcoin has risen in value from 0.00000014 per BTC to 0.00000053 per BTC(**Maybe talk about price in mBTC not BTC, hard to read all those zero's, maybe mention what mBTC means and use it below**). Each block of DVC yields 50 000 Devcoin (**What is a block? **) – so Devcoin is often traded in lots of 1 000 0000 or more: 1 000 000 DVC(**mention the mBTC thing here instead of saying 1 million dvc**) has increased in value over 300% from $145 USD to $548.90 USD(**price in mBTC?**) in the space of two weeks. Devcoin’s market capitalization is currently $3 239 000 USD. (**Talk about the need for crypto currencies to standardize over mBTC in the future because of the argument that the value of a bitcoin will be too high so phsycologically we will want to use mBTC instead of BTC values, maybe provide a link to the discussion somewhere on, talk about how Devcoin already solved this issue by starting off with 1000x the block size of bitcoin**)
Being an established alternative digital currency( **To bitcoin, acts more like a partner rather than a competitor **), Devcoin has a healthy and growing ecosystem with over 15 merchants and exchanges supporting DVC. Books, precious metals, jewellery, computer hardware, hard cash, press releases, writing services, lotto tickets, digital currency investments and much more can all be purchased with DVC. Online merchants worldwide can easily accept DVC as a payment method by using CoinPayments, for integrated Devcoin payment at checkout and invoicing in DVC. The popular digital currency exchange platforms Vircurex and Crypto-Trade both support Devcoin and Bitcoin trading, while Cryptsy offers a Devcoin to Litecoin currency pair.(**Talk about how earning devcoins is the only ways to work to earn crypto currencies right now, including bitcoin. Only way to acquire any kind of crypto currency without fiat is to work for Devcoins**)
At the current market cap, significant bounties payable in Devcoin are being offered for an open source aircraft (a hot air ballon which is at least 3 metres in diameter), medicine, fortified food, a boardgame, and a new open source toy. When the market capitalization of Devcoin reaches a certain point, a massive bounty will be offered for the development of an open source 1 seater spacecraft which can exit and enter the Earth’s atmosphere. Digital currency enthusiasts who are also passionate about easier access to space for all of humanity, can support this cause in a practical way by supporting Devcoin.
Anyone worldwide who wants to work and produce open source material can earn Devcoins: writers can sign up to Devtome(****), Devcoin’s open source wiki and be paid in DVC for their work. Devcoin is also currently reaching out to open source developers in IT, engineering, arts, sciences and humanities who wish to receive Devcoins for their work. Anyone, anywhere can apply for funding by joining the bitcointalk forums(**Online chat forum **) or contacting [email protected](**through e-mail**). Devcoin ensures that no one on the planet who wants to work needs be completely out of money: anyone who does good work will get some Devcoins. In this way Devcoin levels the playing field for anyone worldwide to earn digital currency and participate in this erupting space.
With its unique paradigm changing mission, its network integrity through being one of the first and most established Bitcoin alternatives, and its recent 300% value increase: Devcoin is a wise choice for investors, enthusiasts, open source developers and visionaries worldwide looking to engage with the explosive digital currency space(**add something about how they can be early adopters**). As the emerging digital currency industry continues to experience a break out, Devcoin is better positioned than ever to begin delivering in an even bigger way on its unique and world-changing mission.
For the technically minded here are the Devcoin (DVC) protocol details:
Similar to Bitcoin, Devcoin uses the SHA-256 cryptographic algorithm 10 minutes block target. 50 000 DVC per block reward, to ensure there is no deflation this block reward never decreases. 5000 DVC goes to miners (who can merge mine DVC for free when they are mining Bitcoin), and 45 000 DVC goes to the open source developers and projects on the receiver files.
(**Network strength coming from thousands of specialized asic hardware distributed through the world, puts it in a positon of being one of the strongest and most secure crypto-currencies next to bitcoin)..this might make them think this is the next best thing!**
According to devcoin has increased from the 22nd largest market cap to the 19th largest market cap, at $2,879,152 and with an increase of 18.88% in the last 24 hours.
Awesome! If I may I would like to propose a bounty for an open-source toy. Since the market cap is over 1,000,000, the toy bounty can now be funded. The toy's design would have to be public in order to get the bounty.