It'll be on Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance etc shortly!
I want Psybits, who is the devcoin advertising admin, to run a big devcoin ad campaign. It would start with six shares directly run by Psybits, plus the authority to hand out up to six shares of awards to people who advertise devcoin independently. For the campaign run directly by Psybits, there would have to be a post or page with a receipt for the most expensive part of the campaign, it doesn't have to be a full cost breakdown. If this goes well, the next round this would be doubled to 12 shares for the campaign and bounties. In the long run the total would further increase as the marketing shares increase, last round they were around 26:;topicseen#msg3546083
Any objections, or should something be changed?
I second this.
I agree too - it would be a pleasure The more we can get the word out about Devcoin the better.
EDIT: 12 shares from the start would mean I have more resources to devote to the advertising campaigns. I suppose I am a little biased, but this is my humble suggestion.