Yeah I agree with the above.
we need a best practices for suggesting bounties, Fin brought it up a while ago, but it is a community effort after all, so people got to suggest things let the admins decide how valuable it is; If no one does this how will we know where to apply our efforts effectively?
Community ballots, community bounties... where do we post personal devcoin bounties? that can help diversify things as well. How much will it cost me to get something done for the community?
I propose bounties for a community bounty job board and a job tracking system for common community, website, forum maintenance and development tasks according to how often these actions need to be taken on a hourly, daily, monthly or best practices policy for community members basis.
This could help make visible what needs the attention of people instead of just guessing, we need to see the whole picture of what is going on, what needs to be done, and who is working on what without having to micromanage queries... just all the info everyone needs in an easy to find, easy to follow format.
Just the foundations... we need to work on the foundation for future growth.
ya I have a similar vision but as of now only investors will be active in suggesting bounties in the end investment is what drives price.. as more bounties get complete the more ppl will want to invest in dvc. Since bounties will be paid by current imvestors older investers have a vested interest of suggesting quality bounties. Right now we arent getting devs do bounties because bounty shares dont scale to demand and no equilibrium is found.
I feel because investors dont have to pay directly for bointies we should have a more active bounty request service than would otherwise with something like where bounties are suggested only by those directly willing to pay. This idea is the same but more scalable because they invest hold and suggest instead of suggest and pay... its a revolutionary way to get work done that will benefit all... later on individuals can always pay for work traditionally via dvc on something like
First of all we need a better official dvc homepage with all downloads etc look at quarkcoin it was same price as dvc now its almost 100x higher this month...
If we create a bounty for a site and tie in a bounty subsystem into the homepage somehow we can hit a homerun here. A system that lets admin signups for bounties and devs signup ofcourse with scalable bounty payments. This will only be possible if we change share allocation.. we have to lean out the reciever files and add whats needed remove the excess it is not efficient right now.