Twobits messaged me around August 1. that he has made Icoin (namecoin clone) and requested a payout. I told him that he has to deliver the source code first, unfortunatly he never delivered, so the Bounty for the namecoin clone code is obsolete, since the deadline was not met..
What you posted is not correct. I never requested a payout. I told you I had made the code, yes. You then requested a change in the phrase, to something in a language I do not know. I messaged you back saying I needed to use ASCII only and a transliteration attempt which I thought would be ok, as it only changed quote types. I asked you if that would be ok, including the example in quotes. You have yet to get back to me about that being ok or not.
Seems that we had a serious missunderstanding
I have not a problem to pay you, when you deliver, the code is realy needed. I agreed that you wanna add some english phrase in to it. Since it should have a Swiss reference i wrote you to please add a article header of the NZZ of the particular day of august 1. I was the meaning everyhting is clear with that. Im sorry when this error was caused trough me.
Edit: What about this actual article (its about a very old helvetic tradition) from the NZZ: headline is saying: Der Kampf des Koenigs
The fight of the King