This would boost the value of them by a TON. It's also a pretty big undertaking though.
Go read the game development forum sites to get background on the idea of creating a MMPRPG.
Every idiot who knows nothing suggests it, go read/study though like none of them bother to do.
What does F2P mean, by the way?
While you are on insanely impractical notions, maybe build an entire new operating system from scratch? It doesn't need all the music and images and crap that an MMORPG does so you can probably do that much much easier, and you can build coins right into the operating-system.
Maybe reading the thread would have been polite too, so you would have known that actually despite how inansely impractical it is to try to build an MMPRPG nonetheless people are already hard at work on many many many littie pieces that such a thing would need, so that in however many years it takes to get all those pieces done the idea of creating an MMORPG won't seem so insane because we will actually have all the pieces already by then.
I'm glad you know so much. That is a very harsh post, considering what Ranlo shared was a brainstorm.
If people here are serious about wanting Devcoin (or any cryptocoin) to go mainstream, I think it would accomplish way more to take the attitude here that no question or idea is a stupid one. People are getting interested and getting involved with varying levels of prior knowledge and experience (and ignorance!), and are not going to feel welcome if they are treated like idiots just for mentioning something. I personally welcome education so if I'm obviously ignorant about something, I welcome a polite and understandable explanation, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Those who know more, please do educate, but do so kindly. Thank you.