- Governments are writing legislation about and holding publicized meetings about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is already starting to collide with and meet resistence from the establishment.
- If you go into a room at least a few people know about bitcoin.
- There are several news articles every day about bitcoin.
- My Facebook friends are now into Bitcoin.
- Bitcoin is often on the front page of Yahoo Business/Finance and other news pages, and often on NPR.
- Bitcoin exchanges are getting ready to launch in wall street.
- Tens/Hundred of thousands of businesses have already adopted Bitcoin, including major mainstream online retailers.
- governments are running scared, this threatens them more than the Internet itself could have. Money = power. So they have incentive to get in the action very early.
- lots of people know about Bitcoin, very few own any or actually know how to *use* it.
I personally think what happens now is simply long slow growth as services are built to make it easier to use. Maybe we already had the "dotcom boom" of bitcoin, but now we have a long slow increase that is no longer driven as much by speculation as by actual useful services (I hope).
Considering that bitcoin is all but unusable, the mind boggles to consider what the value will be once it is easy to use for any fit purpose.
Freakin' this!Bitcoin is still incredibly difficult for normal people to use. When a kid can get bitcoin as easy as buying phone credit, THEN things may get interesting.