The competition is building strong b/w Ritz , PD and Up-down..! first Ritz was the only threat for the PDs campaign but now Up-down also claiming to be one of the highest paying, and indeed they are..! I don't think updown will impact ritz campaign as much it will hit PD's campaign because few member stuck with PD due to some conflict with Ritz will have a option now to switch to Updown..! and they might , if PD fails to adapt...
For me
best campaign will be weekly paying out campaign
I really believe this is possible and it will make those campaigns more interesting and I am sure more full/sr/hero/members will join then.
And what is very important in those campaigns is that I am 100% sure Ritz Casino will stay with us and PD will stay with us too!
UpDown looks pretty good too and I think they are reliable too and they have chances to stay with us for a long time too.
3 biggest competitors around will be Ritz Grand Casino, UpDown, PrimeDice.