Earning money online is far superior to working at a physical establishment during the day. Although offline is highly appreciated and difficult.
If people are selected and they are given option to work online or work at a physical establishment, then am sure almost everyone will choose online work, it’s really convenient and easy, you will be working from the comfort of your house and that’s what almost everyone want, you don’t have stress yourself to be going to work, but we should know that physical establishment is more reliable, for example if you are a trader, profit is not assured, you can make profit and you can lose at any moment, but in physical establishment, if you work for that particular month, then you will have to receive your payment.
Trading is a great approach to find your true self. It will put everything to the test, including your greed, emotions, patience, discipline, how you handle failure, control, common sense, and resolve. I strongly advise anyone who is going through a terrible time in their life to learn to trade since it provides them a clear sense of purpose other than waiting for jobs. So, which is better,
Trading is not kind of easy, before I will recommend that anybody should trade, then they should have basic knowledge of trading or they might just end up wasting their money, if you are not a professional in trader yet, then you should get a job and don’t depend on only trading as source of income.
online or offline?
I will go for both online and offline, i don’t think offline job won’t stop you from trading, you might not be giving trading full attention, but you will making money from trading also. It’s not advisable to have one source of income, so I will make offline my main source of income, then trading as alternative source of income.