Embodied (in prior post) is the implication that local politics a la Catherine Austin Fitts is more resilient due to the Dunbar limit wherein humans can handle the trust issues more accurately on the local community scale.
If humans are not expending their effort to accumulate tangible items, because they are simply not that essential to survival, i.e. the 7 lean years become a non-issue, then we will have moved to a higher plane.
> Thanks, I know. I believe we could achieve that end now if humanity was
> more rational. The knowledge and information is there. Only 1% of the
> population uses it effectively.
http://armstrongeconomics.com/2013/12/09/taxes-alter-behavior/"It is time we seriously look at ending the income taxes and stop the borrowing funding government by just increasing the money supply keeping it within 5% of GDP which a central statistical agency calculates for ALL nations eliminating political manipulation."
Your response to the problem of a power vacuum is to increase the economy-of-scale for the vested interests in Brussels!
This really looks like you are working for them! Did you become corrupted in order to get out of prison?
You are a very smart man, so how is it that you believe we can hold a global authority accountable to only calculate 5% of per-nation GDP as tax and force the nations to adhere to it?
Think it out! In order for the global authority to have the power to enforce it, then it also has to power to control the 5% of the GDP tax, meaning it effectively is the beneficiary of the tax. Meaning it can change the rules with the power and resources we've handed to it in your proposal.
This is utter BS!
What we need instead is to remove that power vacuum. It is a very difficult problem to solve, and the solution is technological if any. Not political.