
Topic: Economic Devastation - page 74. (Read 504776 times)

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
May 28, 2015, 02:56:42 PM
I have grown to see that there is no easy way to dethrone the current masters. Even keeping yourself out of becoming their slave is reeaally difficult, and getting anyone to reject them is even more so.

I was thinking the same today when I did a Google News search for Rand Paul.

Despite Rand Paul's signature issue being opposition to the NSA, and despite the fact that a majority of Americans have been shown in multiple opinion polls to be opposed to broad warrentless NSA collection the result of the search was sad but not suprising.

Page after page of attacking articles from all corners of the mainstream media and not a single positive article to be found.
Perhaps there is some concern he is getting traction with his recent success?


Poll shows Rand Paul more competitive against Hillary Cinton than all other republican contenders.
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1019
May 28, 2015, 07:54:56 AM
I did just read last night a little bit of Revelations that the Lion of Judah (Jesus/Lamb of God) will vanquish evil. Decently relevant:

Also, I remember J.R. Willett telling me about how the Book of John is meant to show us what Jesus's mission here is, and I think that's so with faith/truth/love/compassion/wisdom etc. like Him, we too can maybe realize our potential impact against evil (in ourselves, in the world, and in time).
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
May 28, 2015, 05:21:18 AM
TL; DR: There is nothing new under the sun. What the luddites of today fear, has been proved wrong every time there was any advance in efficiency since the dawn of mankind. Now we even have a huge reserve of pent-up production capacity, because most of the people of today are just working in the system doing nothing of value. With the release of these people, the future looks brighter than most of us can even imagine.

What type of production capacity? Are you talking about manufacturing?

Manufacturing is never going to come back.

Its replaced by our tech with machines, and other assembly stuff is done with china. The more things you see automated, the more jobs are cut like those cashier people.

Look around you!

How many hours per week do the people in the system professions actually work? I mean spend time on doing something, anything, that makes the fellow humans' life easier. Agriculture does, manufacturing does, distribution of goods does, many but not even close to all services do.

How much of your time do you spend on doing anything meaningful? I spend exactly none. All my time is consummated in getting the word out that there IS a life worth living out there, and the problems of the world are non-problems - the symptoms of a cancer that is far bigger already than the whole of your natural system! Multiple times bigger.

I have grown to see that there is no easy way to dethrone the current masters. Even keeping yourself out of becoming their slave is reeaally difficult, and getting anyone to reject them is even more so. The methods that would be needed to dethrone them are prone to lead to the "meet the new master, he is the same as the old master" situation.

My understanding is that Jesus is coming soon. He promised. The millennial kingdom, "paradise on earth", is the first time in history achievable with the technology we already have, so despite that destroying the kosmos ("world", the slave-market of Satan led by the people who call themselves Jews, controlling the Hollywood, banks, and media nearly worldwide, and having infiltrated many governments such as the USA so that there is scarcely any American voice in any major decision).

What I see necessary to understand are:

1) The kosmos=world is currently the domain of Satan (this was verified by Christ under temptations);

2) The Christians are instructed to keep away from the world, which may not always be easy nor free, but worth it, since I havent found any Christian who believes the world's lies yet has a testimony that the Father approves. You can't stick all your senses to shit for decades and expect that your speech and conduct would be not shit as the result. They will be shit.

3) Since Jesus already achieved the victory on the cross, we are empowered, capable and tasked to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom (including both salvation and that stuff, but also that the kosmos is judged and will be finished physically as well, and the leaders of it physically thrown to the lake of fire (hell) where their instigator, Satan, also is)

4) The manifestation of the Kingdom coincides with Jesus' coming: he is coming with all his saints, so if we are martyred during our struggle, the killers will be in for a nasty surprise.

5) The practical change in the natural laws will be that evil is very much contained during the time that Satan is in the pit. I think this does not need to manifest itself in anything more than all the people understand what I already do, and consequently mind their own business instead of attacking each other and causing damage (in all levels of life from stealing of your lunch money to the domino destroying of entire countries in Serbia-Iraq-Libya-Ukraine). Especially as such a wonderful and interesting place is rules by our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and we already know his ruling style never involves force.

6) The unfathomable increase in production (of everything, mainly services since we already have too much of most goods) is made possible by eliminating the negative production of regulations, war, propaganda, unemployment etc. There you only need to work 4 years to earn for the rest of your life, and of course you quit school (even if it was offered and free) since it does not pay off to study 20 years for a 4 year career. As a result, the slavery which currently is on average more than 50 years, is shrunk to beneficial, productive and interesting work of a few years.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
May 28, 2015, 02:31:25 AM
Fortunately, the network effect still works when billions of people indirectly use BTC via altcoins, sidechains...

I seem to rebut people before they writeread:

The sidechains will be Coinbase, Circle, Paypal, etc.. and they will have the most users. So go ahead and fork away and see how many people follow you. The richest 0.1% are onboard the NWO plan and will prefer to monopolize the MSM fork than to defect to your ideological, hobbiest store-of-value. Who are your allies? Where is your market?


Bad etiquette to quote thyself, but I want to draw attention to the additional thought that upper 0.1% and the lower 50% (in the power-law distribution of wealth) are actually in bed together and synergistic (google Some Iron Laws of Political Economics).

We The Upper Middle Class Workers of The Knowledge Age have to go create the coin that serves our vocation which is virtual micropayment commerce. And it will need it to support strong anonymity, because we exist in defiance of that upper 0.1% and the lower 50% at this stage of the contagion/cancer.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
May 28, 2015, 01:58:02 AM
CoinCube I pretty well fucked myself in that errant discretion area long ago, e.g. picture my resume "1994 - 2015 resided most of the time in Mindanao". So I had no choice but to exit the system and work for a system where the pedantic, irrelevant past can't matter.

I assert that having a good record in the dying NWO system is of diminishing utility. Hope you cash in your NWO chips with good timing.

A system which can't forgive the irrelevant is obviously bankrupted.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
May 28, 2015, 01:32:33 AM
But, Erdogan is right that the probability of getting arrested for minor crimes (buying black market goods) is rather low.  Also note that in the USSR, the Communists deliberately made many laws contradictory so they could pick you up at any time for any reason.

The USA has not arrived at that point yet.

It’s not just the probability of getting arrested that one must take into account but the consequences.

The damage that can occur from a "youthful indiscretion" has vastly increased since your youth OROBTC. There are now potentially monstrous consequences for things that would have once been considered youthful lapses. With the ubiquity of background checks minor crimes can now hound you for the rest of your life.

If for example your dream is to be a doctor and you are arrested in college buying (insert illegal drug here) there is very high chance that your dream is dead. The exceptional applicant may still have a shot at a weaker school but even that is an open question.  

At each stage of the process, medical school, residency, fellowship, applying for a job, medical licensure the tired old crime will be dusted off and you will again be judged. It may forever close doors and it would be impossible to ever know. After each rejection or denial one would be left wondering if the old charge was the reason.  

I was pretty straight laced and careful as a youth. However, I will admit to the rare indiscretion. Had I suffered a bit of bad luck it is possible that I could have fallen afoul of the law. I had no idea at the time that I was potentially risking my future. Society is less forgiving than it once was.

CoinCube, the cathedrals you pray to (respect or wary of) are collapsing. Hope you get out before the roof caves in. (note to self, might take longer than hoped though)

Wary of definitely wary of. For now I am focusing my energy on making sure the next generation my children have the skills needed to make an easy exit.

Waving a red flag in front of the Big Rhino (US Government) is never a good idea.

出る釘は打たれる (deru kugi wa utareru) - "A nail that sticks out will be hammered"
Activity: 2772
Merit: 1019
May 28, 2015, 01:24:49 AM
if any of you were going to develop a cloud-based website with app for smart devices what platform and development software would you use? Conceptually, I know what I want but not sure what development software and tools to use.

depending on what you need natively on the device, a cordova-based framework like ionic could make sense. It allows to code in html5/js, so it's cheaper/easier to develop compared to making native apps for each target platform. Maybe also meteor might be an option.

For editing files you can use a text editor like sublime text

You will have to think about the server and db infrastructure, too.

Thanks for that. For the DB I have no problem using either MS SQL or MySQL. I do have more experience with MS SQL though. Now I have some research to do.

You might want to google things like nosql, mongodb, couchdb. Those are less structured approaches to data storage, more document-oriented. There's nothing to be said against good old relational dbs imo, but the kids these days use other stuff that plays more nicely with the frameworks I suggested above. Structured databases and typed languages are for old farts like us ;-).
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
May 28, 2015, 12:13:47 AM
But at what point is enough enough and the "losers" should be given some help?  Is there any point where you believe there should be a social safety net?  Or are you of the opinion that they should all just be thrown to the wolves and left to fend for themselves and adapt or else?

Killing off the dead system that is oppressing them is not giving them to the wolves.

During a period of adjustment to greater prosperity (and productivity), family, church, local community, and close friends provide the optimum safety net because they know the individual circumstances closely.

Socialism destroyed the family unit. Boomers didn't give a fuck about their kids and vice versa. So yeah these people are ill prepared because they forsaked the local safety net for the BIG government promise. They enjoyed it and were even boastful and defiant.

Humanity will anneal to compassion. Humanity is basically compassionate. TPTB will try to foment hate and war.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
May 28, 2015, 12:01:10 AM
The government chose to limit themselves to Ulbricht and a couple of his lieutenants. Much much more was possible.

I assert rather they limited their scope of enforcement because they know they can't regulate jaywalking on rural roads.

Once it becomes clear to the people that the BIG government is impotent, checkmate on BIG government.

CoinCube, the cathedrals you pray to (respect or wary of) are collapsing. Hope you get out before the roof caves in. (note to self, might take longer than hoped though)

Taking me out is irrelevant. The trend is already underway and rpietila's prior post is salient.

Waving a red flag in front of the Big Rhino (US Government) is never a good idea.


And, keep in mind that they are looking out for THEIR interests much more than they are looking out for us.

Indeed TPTB have no incentive to fuck with you individually (other than their inexorable ass diving with inflation, taxes, etc), unless you make it such that they must fuck with you or lose their own credibility.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1852
May 27, 2015, 11:19:57 PM

Waving a red flag in front of the Big Rhino (US Government) is never a good idea.

In 1930s after Roosevelt made gold illegal, only ONE person was ever prosecuted, even though I have seen an estimate that they only got about 10% - 20% of the gold...  The guy they DID arrest was making a lot of noise, waving red flags...

And, keep in mind that they are looking out for THEIR interests much more than they are looking out for us.

*   *   *

But, Erdogan is right that the probability of getting arrested for minor crimes (buying black market goods) is rather low.  Also note that in the USSR, the Communists deliberately made many laws contradictory so they could pick you up at any time for any reason.

The USA has not arrived at that point yet.
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
May 27, 2015, 08:09:11 PM
I now think that operating in the allegedly illegal market, while you otherwise refrain from violence and fraud, is ethical. And with some caution, not dangerous.

This level of naiveté is unwise.
For those who have not read it I recommend  

The Rise & Fall of Silk Road

Blatant defiance of the state is a recipe for disaster for most people. The government chose to limit themselves to Ulbricht and a couple of his lieutenants. Much much more was possible.

And now Ulbricht is begging for mercy. He says he admits that he was wrong, and directed his talents and energies inappropriately. What choice does he have? He has been found guilty and could be sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole.

It is ironic that the largest drug dealers on the planet are the US govt and they were just rooting out their competition.

I am interested to hear how TBTB will evaluate this because in his quest for anonymity in the knowledge age buying and selling drugs over the digital pipeline is ones own choice. While I somewhat agree what is to stop little Johnny ripping off his parents getting some BTC and then buying some cocaine?

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
May 27, 2015, 08:02:55 PM
I now think that operating in the allegedly illegal market, while you otherwise refrain from violence and fraud, is ethical. And with some caution, not dangerous.

This level of naiveté is unwise.
For those who have not read it I recommend  

The Rise & Fall of Silk Road

Blatant defiance of the state is for most a recipe for disaster. The government chose to limit themselves to Ulbricht and a couple of his lieutenants. Much much more was possible.
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1002
May 27, 2015, 07:33:59 PM
TL; DR: There is nothing new under the sun. What the luddites of today fear, has been proved wrong every time there was any advance in efficiency since the dawn of mankind. Now we even have a huge reserve of pent-up production capacity, because most of the people of today are just working in the system doing nothing of value. With the release of these people, the future looks brighter than most of us can even imagine.

What type of production capacity? Are you talking about manufacturing?

Manufacturing is never going to come back.

Its replaced by our tech with machines, and other assembly stuff is done with china. The more things you see automated, the more jobs are cut like those cashier people.
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
Activity: 616
May 27, 2015, 05:17:04 PM
TL; DR: There is nothing new under the sun. What the luddites of today fear, has been proved wrong every time there was any advance in efficiency since the dawn of mankind. Now we even have a huge reserve of pent-up production capacity, because most of the people of today are just working in the system doing nothing of value. With the release of these people, the future looks brighter than most of us can even imagine.

What type of production capacity? Are you talking about manufacturing?
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
May 27, 2015, 01:26:14 PM
Activity: 107
Merit: 10
May 27, 2015, 11:13:09 AM
Anonymint, you clearly don't believe in socialism, yet you clearly also believe many (most?) current jobs are at best pointless and at worst actually harmful to productivity and moving the human race forward.  So my question is, what do we do with the masses in this future of high technological unemployment?

I understand that in any system there will be winners and losers (at least in the short term as you say).  That is necessary and any system that attempts to totally avoid that is doomed from the start.  But at what point is enough enough and the "losers" should be given some help?  Is there any point where you believe there should be a social safety net?  Or are you of the opinion that they should all just be thrown to the wolves and left to fend for themselves and adapt or else?
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 262
May 27, 2015, 06:46:41 AM
I now think that operating in the allegedly illegal market, while you otherwise refrain from violence and fraud, is ethical. And with some caution, not dangerous.

When the law conflicts with morality, you need to either compromise your morality, or disregard the law.

(I, for one, am not into watering down my morality, no matter what gains are to be had for doing it, or what dangers await for those not doing it)

Original Bastiat quote:
When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law

Morals are one person's arbitrary religion (i.e. conflicting unfalsifiable opinions) versus another.

Rather I would replace the word morality with ethics. Ethical standards exist because they are consistently and congruently win-win (or at least that is how I unambiguously define ethics).

What you are really asserting here is that when society has become dysfunctional, the ethical option is to opt-out in order to promote win-win directions.

Some can argue that there is no clear win-win, because there are always some losers (in the near-term). I think in every case we can drill down and reason out how ethical choices are really win-win for everyone despite some shifts and inconveniences.

For example, many in this thread have argued that anonymity and pursuing maximum division-of-labor and automation in the coming Knowledge Age would render many people jobless. What they fail to realize is that those jobs are already unprofitable and bankrupted. It is only the $227 trillion global debt bubble that has misallocated capital (destroyed that capital) and sustained uneconomic activities. Thus the sooner they are forced to adjust and retrain (or train their offspring), the sooner the world moves away from the abyss and towards prosperity.
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1005
May 27, 2015, 06:34:21 AM
I now think that operating in the allegedly illegal market, while you otherwise refrain from violence and fraud, is ethical. And with some caution, not dangerous.

When the law conflicts with morality, you need to either compromise your morality, or disregard the law.

(I, for one, am not into watering down my morality, no matter what gains are to be had for doing it, or what dangers await for those not doing it)

Original Bastiat quote:
When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law

Activity: 1722
Merit: 1036
May 27, 2015, 06:24:03 AM
I now think that operating in the allegedly illegal market, while you otherwise refrain from violence and fraud, is ethical. And with some caution, not dangerous.

When the law conflicts with morality, you need to either compromise your morality, or disregard the law.

(I, for one, am not into watering down my morality, no matter what gains are to be had for doing it, or what dangers await for those not doing it)

Original Bastiat quote:
When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 1000
May 26, 2015, 09:47:36 PM

This has been one of my most interesting reads in awhile. Thank you.


like really?

"The Secret Space Program

Those living on Mars will demand payment soon! This involves refineries and mining companies.  Virtually no one knows about this aspect of the programme. Those who do know are afraid to speak out.
All countries are involved in very big debts, because real money went off Earth."

I get SpaceX is been doing incredible things, but we are no where near living on mars lol.

apparently secret space program been running for over 50 years now. there is this guy richard dolan who did an in depth investigation on this subject few years back.. also we cant see everything being here in 3D.

I ran into this guy's bio not too long ago:

Shit, Id be lucky to live that long though, if that happens.

Its more like my grand grand kids will see earth from mars. But who knows, maybe I can see it, I`m in my late 20`s.
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