- do you have any survival tips during war period?
- are there any business that I can do during a period of war so as to sustain my family? Can I still budget, save and earn in Bitcoin?
- What is the economic impacts on individuals with families and how do I sustain them during war period.
Move to different location, it may sound selfish but that is the only thing that can help you and that is what the leaders do as well who initiate wars.
Wars disrupt the economies of other countries too depending on what good is exported from there and from where they import goods into their nation. In Palestine, no countries will be affected due to their loss so it won't affect any country economically whereas if Russia starts war then they stop the oil exports then most countries will go short of oil which will lead to all the prices of goods we used to surge.
So according to your theory, if we depend on the resources of a terrorist or maniac, we should worship him and not oppose his crimes ? ! Are you serious?
That is why the EU has chosen a difficult and unpopular, but vital decision - to refuse gas from the country of the terrorist and diversify supplies from other sources. It is also worthwhile to substitute oil from the terrorist's country. Besides, it is profitable for everyone to punish the criminal and force him to sell a tool for manipulating the world economy (in this case oil) at a dumping price. Since Russia is totally dependent on oil revenues. Russia is a country with an absolutely raw material economy.
And it was economic terrorism that became a continuation of their usual terrorism, when the whole developed world stood up against Russia. So either the world will defeat terrorism, or terrorism will drown the world in blood and manipulation.....
I didn't say start worshipping the bad guys to save your lives, I said move on to a different location where there is no war.
EU countries completely stopped purchasing oil and Gas from Russia, I don't think so which means they are financing terrorism too right?
I am not taking sides here, just talking from an individual's perspective of who wants to live and where the war is happening.