Your argument makes me understand why do you side with Putin: You do not understand the difference between brute force and reason.
USA nuclear attack against civilians in Hiroshima, Nagasaki ?
What about agent orange usage in Vietnam ?
Was it brute force or reason ?
And when USA lied about mass destruction weapon in Iraq and they used depleted uranium on them ?
Was it brute force or reason ?
And ISRAEL, your fucking dear ISRAEL, brute force or reason ?
Where are the economic sanctions against USA, you fucking hypocrites ?
In my view, H & N - the countries had been at war for years. The point was to avoid even more dead, so there is a (twisted) reason to it. The fact that the bombs were used on civilian targets would today be considered a war crime and it is not the only one. If you read about other attacks on the second world war, the
incendiaries dropped in Hamburg did not receive as much attention, yet they caused a similar number of victims.
Agent Orange in Vietnam - Force. A war crime.
USA lying on WMD - neither, it was just another lie to justify grabbing oil. All wars require a moral "cover up" or else people would not be willing to fight. Is the same with most extremist organisations, they have to convince others to die for them promising stuff or infuriating them. The war itself was brute force and based merely on commercial considerations.
Please notice that only UK, Spain and Portugal supported USA war in Irak - it was an illegal war.
Israel expansion is force as well. I am afraid that the reason does not assist any of the sides (IMHO).
Where are the economic sanctions against USA, you fucking hypocrites ?
USA is not threating Europe. Europe is not committing acts of war against Putin's Russia. To decide that sanctions are acts of war is not reason, just a cynic justification similar to "they have WMD".