The main lubricant for evil is that good people continue to deny that evil exists.
Egregious error in philosophical logic.
Focusing on an ambiguous metric (e.g. "evil") is humanism (which I believe even the Bible says is the nature of man). Man thinks he can know or control things which he can't know nor control.
You have no way to really know who and what even in hindsight, when you are talking about complex free markets. You'd need a hearing in a court-of-law on all the pertainent facts including all the conversations between all the individuals on the globe that had a Butterfly Effect on the outcomes.
Nature was designed to be not only irreversible, but
also untraceable (see the laws of Thermodynamics)
Btw the untraceble point is extremely profound. For example, just apply this in the narrow scope of Bitcoin transactions. There is no way you can prove beyond any doubt the trace history of a coin unless you have all the (including off chain) circumstances of every transaction in the history acyclic graph that feeds into it. For example review
the point about using shorting to create external chain effects which impact the validity of the chain. The scenarios get mind bending.
Your threads are a mess...
...a perfect mess that leads to fantastic inspirations...
I've learned so much from allowing everyone to speak freely...
because I am not omniscient...
I don't rule out Sept 11 being carried out by a foreign power but with the amount of different 3 letter agencies I think a simpler view fits better; the CIA had tracked some of the saudi's into the US and hoped to turn them into double agents. iirc, they had tailed the masterminds from a meeting somewhere in SE Asia. They failed, lost them, didn't share that a cell was inside the US with the FBI or anyone else (pre or post attack) in order to avoid blame (and obviously jail). and the rest is history.
How can you forget all the posts I made up thread showing that it is
absolutely 99.9% impossible that kerosene fueled aluminum airplanes causes steel girder buildings to collapse.
Thus your logic fail. Try again.
It is the failures in logic that destroy the power of discernment in most people.
Sorry if you work through all the scientific evidence and logic, there is only one possible conclusion. 9/11 (great resource requirements as proven by the evidence and logic) was a false flag that could realistically only be committed with the cooperation of covert side of governments and (zionist jew) Silverstein.
I am not going to repeat all the myriad of details that upthread debate again (just search for my exchanges with generalizethis).
Please don't write some more "logic fail" gibberish, because I won't have time to come back here.
P.S. not acrimonious feeling at all, you've always been amiable. Rather just emphasizing I do not have the time to correct for lack of reading comprehension in others. Please re-read the thread.
I understand your reading is that Israel would carry this out in order to get the US to move in the middle east...
Rather I think the Zionists are engineering their NWO power play, by destabilizing the Middle East to create a clusterfuck that includes Europe so the people of the world will blame each other rather than blaming the bankster corporate-fascists who have been raping the world.
But the key is to understand that the driver of this outcome are not the Zionists but rather our (the people's) humanistic desires where man believes:
- He is higher than nature, thus he won't get bad effects from example massive use of birth control and socialism (socialized debt).
- He can discern good from evil and thus he won't get bad effects from massive logic failure (e.g. how many of you correctly predicted Monero's Cryptnote would be be entirely useless in the widespread adoption scenario?)
Everyone should STFU about which group is evil and good and is the cause of this or that. Nature is far too complex to make sure clarity even in hindsight.
The people are unable to escape from the clusterfuck because they are determined to deny that "all the plans of mice and men" end up back at dust.
The EU is another Babylon. As are all creations of man.
Live for each day. Try to be productive. Stop trying to think we as men can pick the winners and the losers in advance. Nature works in mysteriously ways.
Be more humble!
The less grand your pronouncements and vested beliefs, then more likely you are adaptable to the truth as it comes in the future. The only certain truth now, is we do not know the certain truth.
Stop constructing fragile towers to the sky, that will tumble down.
Construct flexible paradigms, that are decentralized where no one is in control. Thus be harmonious with nature.