LOL. You're country is already with war with a number of countries without any of this. IMHO you have bombed so many innocent families in eastern countries that it's way of the limit. But I'm not a violent person, so I won't go so far and say you deserve it back since I believe in peace. And of course, the actions where done by your leaders, not the innocent families in the US. But it's f*** wrong what you're doing today and the past few years to other countries. You are not the world police. The world needed to know what Snowden said. You and your government are not the only victim here, stop acting like one. We will find a solution on this together without war, CHILL.
So yes, he is still a hero. Because this was also a criminal act on the public, not only governments.
Here we go with the World Police stuff...I suppose we can excuse England, Rome and the Mongols for doing the same thing. How the US doing is the worst possible thing ever in the world...Sure its bad, but your level of ostracizing is beyond comparison of prior history. So don't even attempt to compare it, you are just being foolish.
Alas, he is still a criminal, End of Story.