We cannot 100% eradicate it, but one way to lessen it to have transparency in each country. In our country we encouraged to have transparency to all government officials. Corrupt people are everywhere even an ordinary person can do it. I am not generalizing it, but it is the truth. So for me, I'd rather change myself before accusing other people and let God punish them.
When someone is saying that we can't do anything and instead we should let God to do his job, it feels like major sign of helplessness.
I heard many theories and tips from people who claim to know how to stop corruption, they are not perfect. For example:
1. Pay better money in government jobs - people are greedy to the point that if they are corrupt they would always want more.
This will eliminate only the most pettiest corruption attempts.
2. Keep log of transactions, bills, online bank account monitoring etc. - how about old fashioned cash? You can't track it.
3. Cameras in government facilities - if you want to bribe someone you can do it after working hours...
4. Hire only respected, serious and honest people - great point if we actually could manage to do that. In reality people re cunning to the point of faking their righteousness.