Sure, right now El Salvador is in a bit of an interim status, since Bukele is not the official president, there are elections in February, and presumptively he will be resuming his term in June-ish....
but if most likely that Bukele did bring out that huge changes in El Salvador not really just that talking about Bitcoin acceptance or adoption then most likely he would really be re-elected.
I think that it is quite likely that Bukele is going to be able to seamlessly transition into his next term, and sure it is just a bit strange because he is not supposed to be the president, but a lot of people just act as if he is still the president.. and I suppose one of the things that he has going in his favor is that he is so popular.. even though sometimes those kinds of popularity matters can be taken too far if he is actually not being honest in regards to things like making sure that coins are secure and that he is really not being deceiptful about any of his dealings...and there are always going to be controversy and even folks who are opposed, including that he is likely not very popular in the eyes of status quo powerful foreign countries such as the USA and leaders of the European Union.
going down.(remembered on 18k-ish price) on which there are already those discussions that they had made out the wrong decision on accumulating coins specially on a declining market
but where are those people now?
There always could be ways to accumulate in better ways, but it can sometimes be tough whether individuals, institutions or governments to stay convicted in buying when the price is dropping so much, so there is buying of the dip at $40k, then at $30k and then at $20k and it keeps dipping.. so the passion for buying kind of dries up for a lot of people because people run out of money to buy and they also become nervous about buying when they had already lost so much value and it is unclear if it will continue to lose value... so easier said than done in terms of abilities to just keep buying, even though it seems more clear after the fact rather than while we were going through those trying times throughout most of the second half of 2022.