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Tanggal 16 Maret 2022 kemarin, pengembang Electrum kembali merilis Electrum versi terbaru 4.2.0. Ada cukup banyak penambahan fitur maupun perbaikan dari fitur versi sebelumnya. Salah satu yang menarik perhatian saya, Electrum versi terbaru kali ini sudah mensupport Ledger Nano S Plus padahal di website Ledger-nya saya lihat masih coming soon (bisa saja sih developer sudah mendapat sample terlebih dulu sebelum produk rilis untuk umum.
Berikut ini catatan rilis lengkapnya:
* The minimum python version was increased to 3.8 (#7661)
* Lightning:
- redesigned MPP splitting algorithm (#7202)
- trampoline: implement multi-trampoline MPP (#7623)
- implement option_shutdown_anysegwit, and allow dust limits
below 546 sat (#7542)
- implement option_channel_type (#7636)
- implement modern closing negotiation (#7586, #7680)
* improve support for "lightning:" URIs on all platforms (#7301)
* Qt GUI:
- add setting "show amounts with msat precision" (5891e039)
- add setting "add thousand separators to bitcoin amounts" (#7427)
- implement Unix sockets and make them the default (#7545, #7566)
- add "bumpfee" command (#7438)
* Kivy GUI:
- show network setup on first start before wallet creation (#7464)
- add "Child Pays For Parent" option (#7487)
- improved locale handling (22bb52d5, 7cb11ced, 4293d6ec)
* Hardware wallets:
- trezor: bump trezorlib to 0.13 (#7590)
- bitbox02: bump bitbox02 to 6.0, support send-to-taproot (#7693)
- ledger: support "Ledger Nano S Plus" (#7692)
* Library:
- added support for sighash types beside "ALL" (#7453)
- signmessage: also accept Trezor-type sigs for segwit addrs (#7668)
- network: make request timeout configurable (#7696)
- paytomany (onchain txout batching) now allows multiple max("!")
amounts with specified weights (#7492)
* Binary builds
- AppImage: changed base image from ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 (5d0aa63a)
* migrated from Travis CI to Cirrus CI (#7431)
* Lots of other minor bugfixes and usability improvements.