EMCSSL seems to be a groundbreaking technology, and deserves to be analyzed carefully.
Suggest anyone interested should read... Enjoy!
Please note:
The resulting PDF document was translated from the original Russian ( http://habrahabr.ru/post/257605/ ) - with most credit for the translation going to Google -
therefore I invite experts in the field to point out any errors or inaccuracies I may have introduced in the translation (e.g. in the way that SSL is described, etc).
Decentralized identity management, passwordless logins, and client SSL certificates using EmerCoin NVS.
This document will introduce details of a scalable infrastructure for passwordless authorization suitable for an unlimited number of web services.
The infrastructure sits on the EmerCoin cryptocurrency blockchain, using the blockchain as a decentralized trust store of hash sums for client SSL-certificates.
Certificates can be generated by clients locally, without any central authority, and quickly replaced as needed.
This makes the system effective both for scheduled replacement and rapid recall of compromised certificates.
Also outlined is InfoCard - a decentralized distributed "business card" system that complements EMCSSL's passwordless logins by allowing website profiles to be automatically populated.
InfoCard has the ability to organize information in a hierarchical structure, which can be useful for quick content updates to all cards within companies or other organizations.
To learn about the EMCSSL technology, please study the PDF document