Ive made a little guide to help people stake Equitrader on your Raspberry PI. (trust me, its easy to do and the doc is probably too long)
I got alot of this info from a doc on how to setup stratis wallet -
https://olcko.gitbooks.io/staking-stratis-on-a-raspberry-pi/content/My PI currently has Raspberry Jesse Pixel - So I have a GUI and can use the QT wallet
I think its been renamed "RASPBIAN STRETCH WITH DESKTOP" now.
Step 1) Install Jessie Pixel
To run Equitrader-qt, it will require the Raspbian Jessie Pixel Operating System. Make sure you download and install the correct OS, or this will not work
https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/Step 2) Configure Raspbian
First Run
sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y
to install the latest OS updates. You must REBOOT for changes to take affect !
You will need to configure some options for the Operating System in order for Equitrader to work correctly, this is done using raspi-config from terminal.
Begin by running raspi-config from the prompt:
pi@raspberry:~$ raspi-config
Select Option 4 [Localisation Options]
Follow the prompts to change your language to
(for sake of ease, we're choosing english / united states). On the last screen choose none.
Go back to the main menu.
Select Option 7 [Advanced Options]
Select Option A0 [Update]
Press ESC to exit raspi-config, and reboot your Pi
Step 3) Increase the Swap File Size
Next we are going to increase the swap space by editing the swap configuration file and restarting the service:
sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
Modify the line for CONF_SWAPSIZE and set it to 512 or 1024 and save the file (CTRL-O, ENTER, CTRL-X).
# set size to absolute value, leaving empty (default) then uses computed value
# you most likely don't want this, unless you have an special disk situation
Restart the swapfile service:
sudo service dphys-swapfile restart
Time to Build the Wallet
Step 1) Install EquiTrader-qt--ubuntu64 packages:
sudo apt-get install -f build-essential autoconf automake git g++ libtool make unzip wget
Step 2) Download Equitrader Source - cd
git clone https://github.com/equitrader/Equitrader.git
You will now have a new folder Equitrader in your home folder, you can see this by typing ls at the prompt
Step 3) Compile the Equitrader-qt Wallet
Run the code:
cd stratisX;qmake;make;strip EquiTrader-qt--ubuntu64
Once compilation has completed, you'll be returned to the prompt and you can now start your shiny new wallet from within the Equitrader folder:
Step 4) Start Equitrader from anywhere in Rpi [Optional]
If you'd like to be able to start the wallet from anywhere in terminal, place the binary into the folder /usr/local/bin:
sudo cp Equitrader-qt /usr/local/bin
Then just type
If anyone has problems or questions please ask
If this helped in any way and you would like to make a little donation to my Equitrader wallet, the address is
Think of it as a way to check if sending coins from you wallet works