Bericht vom World Economic Forum (CH-1223 Cologny/Geneva Switzerland).
Interessanter Bericht, welcher die Möglichkeiten der Blockchain aufzeigt, und wie dessen Technik u.a. auch beim Lösen von weltweiten Probleme wie Klimawandel, Verschmutzung der Meere und weiteren helfen könnte. Es wir auf die Entwicklung, Vorteile, Aussichten und Herausforderungen der Blockchain-Technik eingegangen, sowie deren Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Guter, anschaulicher Bericht mit globaler Betrachtungsweise.
The 65-plus use-case solutions identified as being particularly
relevant across environmental applications tend to cluster
around the following cross-cutting themes:
– Enabling decentralized systems
– Peer-to-peer trading of natural resources or permits
– Supply-chain monitoring and origin tracking
– New financing models, including democratizing
– Realization of non-financial value, including natural capital
The challenge for innovators, investors and governments is to
identify and scale these pioneering innovations both for people
and the planet – while also making sustainability considerations
central to wider blockchain development and use.
While blockchain-based solutions hold great promise,
there is also a lot of hype associated with the technology.
On its own, it is not necessarily transformational for the
environment. However, the potential of blockchain to help
solve environmental challenges can be amplified exponentially
when it is combined with other emerging Fourth Industrial
Revolution technologies such as AI, IoT, drones, 3D printing
and biotechnologies. When it is applied this way – as a
“cocktail mixer” for other emerging technologies – blockchain
starts to become a truly game-changing technology. Some of
those game-changing examples, drawing on emerging usecases
in Figure 5 opposite, are set out in the next section,
“Blockchain game changers for the Earth”.
The eight most significant game changers are listed below.
1. ‘See-through’ supply chains
2. Decentralized and sustainable
resource management
3. Raising the trillions – new sources
of sustainable finance
4. Incentivizing circular economies
5. Transforming carbon (and other
environmental) markets
6. Next-gen sustainability
monitoring, reporting and
7. Automatic disaster preparedness
and humanitarian relief
8. Earth-management platforms
High-level summary of blockchain risks and challenges
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